PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON People's Coal Co. OXFORD COLLIERY. (Works Hyde Park section, from the river to South Main Avenue, between Lackawanna and Luzerne Streets.) CO CO Coal beds. Name of school. Mining conditions under school properties. General conditions. Not mined at present. 84 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 17; thickness, 10 to 15 feet; original workings in top bench, 3 to 6 feet, with about 2j feet refuse; over 5 acres caved under No. 16 School; pillars outside of cave apparently sound;« no indications of future caving; gob piers built under vicinity of Lackawanna Railroad Co.׳s bridge and Lackawanna Avenue. Depth, 252 feet; approached to point under northwest comer of building; solid pillar under rest of school lot; bed, 10 feet thick; falls in room approaching school; conditions good. Depth, 200 feet; caved and inaccessible; approached to edge of coal worked by Bridge Coal Co. No. 16 No. 14 104 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 17; thickness, 8 feet 2 inches, with 1 inch refuse; over 5 acres caved under No. 16 School; pillars sound surrounding cave, and no indications of spread of cave; a parts of Oxford working effectually flushed with culm. No. 16 Depth, 229 feet; caved and inaccessible; worked by Bridge Coal Co. » 116 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 17; thickness, 12 to 18 feet, with 2 to 3 feet of refuse; pillars and chambers of usual size; local falls, but no serious chipping or other indications of extension of cave, beyond 1 or 2 acres under Schoo INo. 16.« No. 16 Depth, 289 feet; inaccessible on account of cave; pillars surrounding cave appear in fair condition and usual size; a few local falls, but no indications of extension of caving; worked by Bridge Coal Co. No. 14 120 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 17; thickness, 7 to 10 feet, with 1 to 2 feet of refuse; partly flushed; pillars standing, strong; roof good; no present indication of squeezing;« no caving under No. 16 School. No. 16 Depth, about 334 feet; pillars standing in good condition and well distributed; no local falls; no present indication of settlement. Depth, 435 feet; approached to within 250 feet of school; now inaccessible account local falls and flushing. Depth, 370 feet; recently unwatered, and now accessible; pillars standing in good condition except for slight chipping; local falls in chamber under this school; old timber cogs standing, but bearing no weight; mined by Bridge Coal Co. 104 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 17; thickness, 7 to 13 feet, about 2 feet refuse; openings large, but pillars firm, with fair distribution; slight chipping, but no present indications of subsidence. No. 16 a Surface subsidence may and often does occur where pillars are strong, and without much warning or crushing of pillars, if conditions exist such as those under Hyde Park, where many thick seams lie close together and the pillars in the several beds are not columnized; pillars of an upper bed are thus permitted to break through the intervening strata into the chambers or openings of an underlying bed.