PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER. SCRANTON 499 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 12; thickness, 10 to 13 feet; mined from Diamond shaft; closed by general squeeze, « 131 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 12; thickness, 5i feet, includes lh feet of refuse; this vein open and working from Diamond shaft; room, 26 feet wide, 50 feet between centers; gob walls both sides of rooms; to dip from school No. 41 the workings are caved and inaccessible.« 615 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 12; thickness, 7\ feet, includes 8 inches refuse; largely mined over; disturbed by the general squeeze, and now full of water. 21 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plate 12. These beds are 2 to 5 feet thick and are only being mined from Tripp shaft, but workings are of small extent. Depth, 107 feet; map shows large pillar under school, but mine workings caved and inaccessible. Depth, 345 feet; caved and inaccessible............................. Depth, 331 feet; caved and inaccessible............................. Depth, 400 feet; not mined; nearest work 450 feet distant........... Depth, 160 feet; not mined.......................................... Depth, 388 feet; we reached point in workings near school; chambers now being worked toward school; rooms, 26 feet; gob walls both sides. Depth, 462 feet...................................................... Depth, 440 feet; inaccessible under both schools, on account squeezed area and water. See Manville colliery, page 32....................................... These seams not now mined under any school building.................. BRISBIN COLLIERY. (Works under Keyser Valley and Hill section, between Hyde Park and Providence.) No. 21. No. 20. No. 41. No. 20. No. 2. No. 41. Big. New County No. 20 No. 41 No. 21 Clark. Dunmore Nos. 1,2, and 3. ■co 97821°—Bull. 25—12