PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON. Clark 370 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,15, and 16; thickness, 8 feet; 1 foot refuse. Pillars sound; roof good; hard floor; recently mined; conditions good. 10 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,15, and 16; thickness 4 feet 11 inches coal and 3 feet 1 inch refuse; twin bed— perhaps represents Dunmore Nos. 1 and 2 united. Dunmore Nos.2 and Not mined. 3. HYDE PARK COLLIERY AND CONTINENTAL COLLIERY. (Work Keyser Valley and Hyde Park section to South Main Avenue, between Lafayette Street and Luzerne Street.) Eroded. 2 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14 and 16; thickness, 4 feet 8 inches clean coal. This bed extends under Hyde Park section generally, but until recently no mining has been done in it; now being developed from Hyde Park colliery. 10 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14 and 16; thickness, 2 feet 10 inches, including 1 inch refuse. This bed extends under the Hyde Park section generally, but until recently has not been mined; now being developed from Hyde Park colliery. 355 acres mined. (See p. 26.) 240 acres mined. (See p. 26.) 514 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14 and 16; thickness, 13 to 18 feet; long mined; caved over large area and workings now abandoned.a Eroded........................................................ Depth, 104 feet; mine just being opened; gangway working toward school, but under school not yet mined; conditions good. Depth, about 140 feet; not yet mined.......................... Depth, about 144 feet; mine just being opened; gangway extending quite close to, but not now under the school; conditions good. Depth, about 175 feet; not mined.............................. Mined from Hampton (see p. 26)................................ Mined from Hampton (see p. 26).................................. Depth, 374 feet; worked and caved; inaccessible................. Depth, 405 feet; inaccessible; mined and caved................ to co 431 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14 to 16; thickness, 8 to 10 feet, includes 2 feet of refuse; workings in this bed look fair; workings accessible and pillars standing over large areas; no general squeeze; the caves or squeezes are local. Pillars in this and overlying beds are not col-umnized.« Depth 423 feet; pillars, regular and sound; no indications of settlement; old workings; good roof. Depth, 440 feet; half of building on solid coal; remainder part mined; pillars fair size; roof and floor good. Depth, 397 feet; mine openings filled with gob because of squeeze in progress in 1908; approached on gangway to 50 feet from school lot; all quiet now. No. 31. No. 19. No. 14. New County. without much warning or crushing of pillars, if conditions exist such as those under Hyde Park, not columnized; pillars of an upper bed are thus permitted to break through the intervening strata « Surface subsidence may and often does occur where pillars are strong, and where many thick seams lie close together and the pillars in the several beds are into the chambers or openings of an underlying bed.