PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON. This vein not mined as yet; too thin. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14. Depth, 360 feet; not mined. .do. Dunmore No. 1 Depth, 380 feet; pillars sound, usual size; rooms nearly filled with gob; 139 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14; thick-conditions good. ness, 3 feet 2 inches, includes 6 inches refuse; bottom raised for height; no falls; rooms filled with gob, except roadway; conditions good. do. Dunmore No. 2. 55 acres mined. This vein not being mined; too thin for profitable mining at present. Depth, 480 feet; not mined. .do. Dunmore No. 3 WEST RIDGE COLLIERY. (Works Providence section, North Main Avenue to outcrop between Putnam and Clearview Streets.) Five-foot No. 40 Depth, 66 feet; workings inaccessible; approached to point about 300 feet from school; workings filled with falling fire-clay roof; workings now controlled by Clearview Coal Co. 84 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 2,7,11, and 13; thickness, 4 feet clear; roof falling; 3§ to 4 feet of fire clay and bone that fall soon after mining and fill the chambers; driving chambers stowed with rock from next vein below. Much of the surface is unimproved. Top split of Four-foot. do Depth, 88 feet (see Clearview Coal Co., p. 43) 9 acres mined as separate bed. Depth, see sections on Plates 2, 7, 11, and 13; thickness, 18 to 30 inches; 3 to 4 feet of rock raised for height; all available space filled with rock and the surplus stowed in Four-foot and Five-foot beds. Four-foot Depth, 118 feet. Reported formerly worked by West Ridge, but this part now controlled by Clearview Coal Co. (see p. 43). 90 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 2,7,11, and 13; thickness, 3 feet clear coal; falling rock roof; workings filled with falling roof and rock from top split. Diamond, Rock, Big, New County, Clark. do These beds worked by Von Storch colliery and Delaware & Hudson Co. (see p. 35). See page 35. Dunmore No. 1 do Depth, 564 feet; extensions of working here since Stevenson and Knight report; pillars sound and chambers well filled, except roadways. 36 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 2,7,11, and 13; thickness, 3 feet 1 inch, 4 inches of refuse; 3 feet of bottom raised for height; rooms filled with gob, except roads; pillars sound; conditions apparently good. Dunmore No. 2 do Depth, 616 feet; workings now extended under this school; pillars sound and usual size; rooms filled with gob, except roadway; conditions good. 43 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 2,7,11, and 13; thickness, 2 feet 8 inches, 3 inches of refuse; 4 feet of bottom taken up for height; rooms, except roadway in center, filled with gob. Dunmore No. 3 Depth, 686 feet; mined under school, but inaccessible on account of gas and water; conditions reported unchanged since Stevenson and Knight report. 99 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 2,7,11, and 13; thickness, 3 feet 9 inches, including 7 inches of refuse; at west end of property this bed is too thin to mine as yet; 2 to 3 feet of bottom raised for height; rooms nearly full of rock, except roadway; first mining completed and abandoned.