MINING CONDITIONS UNDEB CITY OP SCRANTON, PA. to to Scranton Coal Co. collieries—Continued. MOUNT PLEASANT COLLIERY—Continued. Coal beds. Name of school. Mining conditions under school properties. General conditions. Dunmore No. 2 No. 18 Depth, 612 feet; large pillars, sound and undisturbed; rooms nearly full of gob. J Pillars sound, of usual size; chambers partly filled; depth, 704 feet. 92 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 4 feet 3 inches; rooms nearly full of gob; conditions good; at northwest end of property vein too thin to mine at present. 115 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 4 feet 3 inches, includes 1 inch slate and bone top; rooms nearly filled with gob; floor raised for height. Dunmore No. 3 CAPOUSE COLLIERY. (Works Keyser Valley from Keyser Creek to outcrop and from Jackson Street 1 mile northeastward.) Eroded. Do. Pew surface improvements. 262 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14; thickness, 10 feet; workings have been remined, and’pillars removed over a large area; mining in Diamond bed has ceased. 193 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14; thickness, 3 feet 10 inches; rooms two-thirds filled with gob* partly remined and inaccessible. 317 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14• thickness, 13 feet 3 inches, includes 9 inches refuse; local falls; no remming as yet; few improvements on surface. 100 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14• thick ness, 6 feet 8 inches, includes 2 feet 11 inches of refuse-rooms two-thirds filled with gob; numerous local falls in chambers; no indication of present settlement; remining near outcrop. 412 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 12,13, and 14; thickness, 8 feet, includes 11 inches refuse; many local falls, but no squeeze or other settlement; good roof; fair conditions at present; no remming except at outcrop. Eroded.................................................... ----do........................................................ ----do...................................................... Depth, 92 feet; inaccessible under school on account of removal of surrounding pillars, but under school for area of 200 feet square piliars reported sound and still standing. Depth, 136 feet; inaccessible for reason stated above; similar conditions prevail; nearest accessible point 400 feet from school. Depth, 216 feet; pillars as shown on maps; sound, except slight chipping; local falls in rooms under school. Depth, 246 feet; rooms two-thirds filled with gob; also local falls; pillars good; no indication of settlement. Depth, 311 feet; water under school prevented approach nearer than 150 feet; pillars sound, except some chipping; rooms wide; pillars usual size, well distributed; conditions fair. No. 17. Eight-foot. Five-foot.. Four-foot. Diamond. .do. .do. do. Rock....... Big........ New County, do. Clark.