PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON. MOUNT PLEASANT COLLIERY. (Works Hyde Park, from Lackawanna River to Keyser Creek, and between Lafayette and Pettibone Streets.) 33 acres mined. Depth, none at outcrop to 80 feet over center of area (see Pis. 14,16, and 17); thickness, 8 feet 8 inches in center; 1 foot 5 inches refuse; all mined over, except stripping at outcrop, and abandoned; pillars standing in good condition. 122 acres mined. Depth, none at outcrop to 200 feet (see sections on Pis. 14,16, and 17); thickness, 5 feet 8 inches; includes 10 inches of bone at top; bed overlaid by 3 feet 5 inches of falling fire clay; all abandoned parts filled with falling fire clay; conditions fair. 120 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; twin bed; top coal, 1 foot 10 inches; dividing rock, 6 to 7 feet; bottom coal, 3 feet; pillars sound; rooms filled with rock; conditions good. 188 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness about 10 feet; soft falling roof; workings formerly squeezed; a now closed by falling rock and inaccessible. 190 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 7 to 8 feet; 1 foot 2 inches refuse; reported pillars more than 33 per cent, but mine closed and inaccessible on account of squeeze, a 214 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 14 feet 9 inches; 1 foot 7 inches refuse; workings partly open, but mainly closed by local falls and old squeeze, a 208 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 9 feet 8 inches, includes 1 foot 10 inches of refuse; open and accessible; rooms partly filled with gob; pillars sound, usual size; conditions good, a School over outcrop of bed; bed not mined, Depth, 134 feet; openings filled with gob and falling fire clay; pillars reported standing firm, reinforced by this falling strata shaken by old squeeze in lower beds; present conditions fair Depth, 164 feet; pillars large and firm; rooms filled with rock. Mined, closed, abandoned, and inaccessible; depth, 280 feet, Mine abandoned and inaccessible account falls and old squeeze; depth, 315 feet. Depth, 376 feet; workings inaccessible on account of roof falls, but pillars reported large and not crushed. (See maps.).................... Partly mined; rooms filled with rock; remaining coal soon to be mined, leaving usual pillars; depth, 418 feet. No. 18.... Eight-foot. Five-foot. Four-foot.. Diamond. Rock........... Big., New County...... to f—1 Substantial pillars; some chipping; no indication of settlement; 202 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thick-depth, 481 feet. ness, 6 feet 5 inches, includes 8 inches of refuse; rooms wide; pillars slightly air chipped, but otherwise sound; conditions fair. do. Clark. 32 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 14,16, and 17; thickness, 1 foot 4 inches to 1 foot 8 inches; vein too thin for profitable mining and now abandoned; openings filled with gob; conditions good. Depth, 598 feet; only partly mined, by two gangways; no chambers. .do. Dunmore No. 1. a Surface subsidence may and often does occur where pillars are strong, and without much warning or crushing of pillars, if conditions exist such as those under Hyde Park, where many thick beds lie close together and the pillars in the several beds are not columnized; pillars of an upper bed are thus permitted to break through the intervening strata into the chambers or openings of an underlying bed.