MINING CONDITIONS UNDER THE CITY OF SCRANTON, PA. By William Griffith and Eia T. Conner. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To the honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Scranton, and to the Board of Control of the Scranton School District: Gentlemen: In rendering to you the following report upon the mining conditions under the city of Scranton, with observations and recommendations for the amelioration of the same, we feel that an apology is due for the voluminous proportions of the document. We trust, however, that you will consider the magnitude of the subject, and the manifest necessity under the circumstances of sacrificing brevity for clearness. We have considered all the phases of the question in hand as fully and thoroughly as possible, having not only exhausted all the sources of present information available to us, but having made many tests and experiments as to the strength of materials and the efficiency of roof-supporting devices, both those at present in use and those originated by us. We may, therefore, perhaps be pardoned for felicitating ourselves with the consciousness that the whole question has been investigated and is herein considered with all the completeness which our ability and limitations would permit. We desire to express our appreciation of the pleasant and courteous manner in which all the mining companies, including managers, superintendents, and inside officials, and the officials of the Fritz engineering laboratory of Lehigh University, have assisted us during the progress of the investigation, for without this cordial cooperation this report could not have been submitted in its present completeness. Our acknowledgments are also due to and on account of the treatment accorded us by the officials of the city and board of control, by the press and the public, and to Mr. S. N. Callender, for the use of his copy of the city atlas. Also to the members of the advisory board, for the care and enthusiasm with which they have considered this report, and for their practical suggestions, which are incorporated herein. Very respectfully, Wm. Griffith, Eli T. Conner. Scranton, Pa., March 20, 1911. 7