1370 [supplement PAGE IV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 27, 1918. 'A AIR COMPRESSORS For all purposes and capacities. HIGH & LOW LIFT CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. FANS for any duty. All our productions have the benefit of up to 50 years’ experience and continuous development. PETER BROTHERHOOD Ltd., PETERBOROUGH. High-Speed STEAM ENGINES, STEAM TURBINES. Ir —--------------------------------- W : ———— A ■ George Fletcher & Co. Lo. DERBY. te A A ' A A.' . ' .• : :.. ? SPECIALISTS IN COLLIERY, MINING AND CEMENT WORKS PLANT. ---e—----<=- REGISTERED TRADE MARK Cement Works Equipment FOR ANY DUTY. Site ■W One of our Standard Wash Mills, Send us your Enquiries.—* YCLONE Cl Getting full Value by Induced Draught When you are fitting labour-saving and economy-effecting devices to your boiler plant, do not neglect the very important factor in the raising of steam—DRAUGHT. Upon a good draught depends the heat of the fires, the thorough combustion of the fuel and the reduction of black smoke. The The Cyclone Full- Houseci Blower for Induced I) raugh t, Minc Vcn tila tion. etc INDUCED DRAUGHT PLANT feeds to the fires the necessary amount of oxygen to ensure complete combustion. The hot glowing fires speedily evaporate the water; and this even when an inferior quality of fuel is used. The fires are no longer dependent upon hot gases for the draught, and thus a great source of energy is freed for more useful service. The Cyclone Induced Draught Plant abolishes black smoke, burns poor quality fuel, and reduces the number of boilers required. There are many letters from satisfied users published in our Booklet 275F. You should have a copy. g&iihewsaYatesr fcka o winton.iTanchcstci: