1320 [supplement PAGE VI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 20, 1918. Illustration showing Carriage and Trams on incline; Rearer Carriage in action. No More Runaway Trams. Send for particulars of The “ REARER ” Safety Carriage for Prevention of Accidents in Mines. ■ Telegrams—“ Engines, Wigan.” Telephone—46 Wigan. Sole Manufacturers: The Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ltd., Wigan. Telegrams: “SOHO, SHEFFIELD." Codes—A.B.C., 5th Edition, Scotts. Telephone: 3974 Central. DENTON BROS. (Sheffield) Ltd., MANUFACTURERS OF CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL GRANTED TO ROBERT RAMSDEN 1791. PEPPERCORN p” BRAND. PEPPERCORN” SUPERIOR HIGH SPEED STEEL. MINING STEELS A SPECIALITY. “DANTON” BRAND RAPID AND SEMI-RAPID for Twist Drills, Reamers, &c., &c. SOHO STEEL WORKS, Soho Street, SHEFFIELD. Office and Warehouse—7 to 11, CEMETERY ROAD. Send postcard for sample, prices and terms, to the Sole Manufacturers To COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, ENGINEERS, &c Have 30 years’ manufacturing experience behind them. Woven in one solid piece, whatever thickness. Produced exclusively from warranted pure Asbestos. Contain no cotton or other perishable fibre. Are the most resilient and strongest. Outlast many times any other existent brake-lining. An essential equipment, guaranteeing absolute safety and trustworthiness in all emergencies. CRESSWELLS Wellington Mills, BRADFORD, YORKS. 11, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW ; 9, Grosvenor Road, Sketty, SWANSEA ; 44/45, Exchange Buildings, New Street, BIRMINGHAM. Telegrams: “Asbestos, Bradford.” Contractors to the Admiralty, the India Office and War Office, the Telephone : 950 Bradford. Crown Agents for the Colonies, and numerous British Railways, etc. B CHEKKO Brake & Clutch Lininds nr .o- THOMPSON & CO., —------------ WIGAN, ------------ Iron Merchants, Metal and Mineral Agents. RAILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITH FITTINGS COMPLETE, FOR COLLIERIES, CONTRACTORS, «&.c. SOLE AGENTS IN THE DISTRICT FOR THE SALE OF Wigan Coal & Iron Co.’s Siemens Steel Billets, Blooms, Bars, Angles, Rails, &c. SPECIALITY: STEEL FOR WAGON COUPLINGS. K.H. BASIC PIG IRON. Also Spiegeleisen, Ferro-Manganese & Silico Spiegel. E "plosives yGeli0nit0’ P°l®rlte, Dynobel Nos. 3 & 4, Monobel No. 1, Viking Powder Nos. 1 & 2; Co. Ltd. ( also Detonators, Electric Detonator Fuses, and all Blasting Appliances. Haggle Brothers Ld. Wire & Hemp Ropes. POOLEY’S PATENT WEIGHING MACHINES. Telegraphic Address—“SPIEGEL WIGAN.” Telephone-30 WIGAN ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD. HAMILTON. Telegrams—Excello. Telephone—No 57. xcicpuuue—xtu ot. “ Makers of — GY'V’V V GUTTA PERCHA PUMP •*" BUCKETS, RINGS & WASHERS. and ALL COLLIERY REQUIREMENTS. Manufacturers of SPRINGS & SPRING WA8HIRS For Engineering & General Use. QTCCI POR ALL O I GKla PURPOSES DAISYSTEEL & SPRING WORKS, Daisy Walk, SHEFFIELD. No. 1. Telegrams—“Tones, Sheffield.” Telephone—4179 Central. No. 2. No. 3.