1164 [supplement PAGE XIV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 29, 1918. Wrought SPECIAL JOINT. These Tubes are specially suitable for mines, being both light and strong. The Joint, as illustrated, can be easily connected, and a tube can be removed without disturbing the run Fittings of all kinds supplied. Iron and Steel Tubes. Improved Albion I.oo.e Flange Joint. PIT PROPS. We manufacture Tubular Steel Pit Props, which are exceptionally strong and durable. They can be used repeatedly and have a high factor of safety. Lists sent on application. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., GLASGOW-41, Oswald Street. BIRM INGHAM—Broad Street Chambers. LONDON—Winchester House, Old Broad St., E.C. 2. ---SIZES -— TO CARRY 3 and 5 TONS. With or Without Tipping Bodies. MANN’S STEAM CART & WAGON Co. Ltd., Hunslet, LEEDS. London Office : 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. Price 3s. IQd. Post Free. A Practical Handbook for Colliery Electricians. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PROBLEMS IN MINES AND FACTORIES. By ELLIS H. CRAPPER, B.Eng., M.I.E.E., Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 &31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burhsidi’s Safetv Boring Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply for Catalogue. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines: Drills to any Size Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. CABLE : A.B C. CODE. Telegraphic Address: “Hagrgie, Gateshead.” Telephones: 3067, 3088. MAGGIE BROS. LTD GA TESHEAD-ON-TYNE. ESTABLISHED 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ROUND ANO FLAT WIRE ROPES for Collieries, Mines, Cable-Tramways, Incline Haulage, Aerial Ropeways, Power Transmission, Cranes, Derricks, Elevators, Steam Ploughs, Suspension Bridges, Pit Guides. FLATTENED STRAND HAULAGE AND WINDING ROPES. LOCKED COIL WINDING ROPES AND PIT GUIDE ROPES. Standing Rigging fitted complete, Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries, Lightning Conductors, etc. Also all kinds of Round and Flat Hemp and Manilla Ropes, Coir Ropes, etc. NON-SPINNING ROPEZS. Guaranteed absolutely free from any spin whatever. Speciaffy adapted for SINKING purposes to any depth, and for use on CRANES ; has 25 per cent. Greater Breaking Strain than ordinary constructed ropes, and contains Exceptional Flexibility combined with Durability. LONDON OFFICE: 34, Fenchurch Street, E.C. GLASGOW OFFICE: 134, St. Vincent Street. Telephone, 1595 Avenue. CARDIFF STORE : W. H. Tucker, 3,4fl 5, West Bute St. SOUTH AFRICAN AGENT : HULL STORE: Jas. Ruthven, St. Andrew's Dock. D. Cullen, M.E., Loved ay St., Johannesburg. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, CO. DURHAM. THe PATENT THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT $ GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, WaterCranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers Cranes. Works : NEWPORT, MON. London Office-53, Victoria Street, S.W. 1- HUGE fa°lE pressures- GAUGE GLASS WASHERS LUBRICATORSnc TREASURE CrC9, VflUXHRLL RP. L LIVERPOOL^ rL/5TS ov PPPl/C/WM. LASSES the KOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— THE KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN & BY-PRODUCT CO , 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—“ Kochs, Sheffield. *k