1158 [supplement PAGE VIII.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 29, 1918. GEORGE BENNETT F CO. (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED. SPECIAL BRANDS MARKS TRADE B HARD High Grade Crucible CAST STEELS TOOLS | MAGNET STEEL HIGH-SPEED STEELS TOOL STEEL SPECIALISTS. Special Chrome Wortle Steel Wire Drawers’ Plates with or for Wire Drawers’ Plates. ® without Shank made in all sizes. Self-Hard Steel Works, SHEFFIELD, Eng. Telegraphic Address: “FAMOUS, SHEFFIELD.” Established 1879 National Tel.: No. 1449 & 481. WIRE ROPES & TRADE WHITECROSS MARK. WIRES. ■ .■■■■■■■■ 1 ESTABLISHED 1864. TRADE WHITECROSS MARK. CONTRACTORS TO HAULING. WINDING. The Admiralty, War Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Post Office, India Office, Trinity House, and various Foreign and Colonial Governments. r WINDING ROPES \ HAULING ROPES Specialities : \ CRANE ROPES ) GUIDE ROPES ( SIGNAL WIRES Telegrams—“ WHITECROSS, WARRINGTON.” Telephone-Nos. 9, 10 & 11, WARRINGTON. THE WHITECROSS CO. LTD., WARRINGTON. Agents for H. & S. Midlands—BIRAM & CO., 29, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1. Electric Motor as a power unit ensures these and many other labour and money saving advantages. The motor has a continuous rating and is guar- anteed to give the power for which it is designed. The motors are fitted with speed reduction gear when required, which gives each machine ample power and range of speeds to suit the work on hand. We shall be glad to advise prospective clients on request. Have our Catalogue 275A. J^atthcwsa'iaiesr K^klSwiraonJYLanchcstei: D2 ® @ [[S Motor-driven Machinery Not driven in the usual way by belts from overhead shafting, but by a Cyclone Motor coupled direct —independent and isolated. The working speed of each machine can be quickly and easily adjusted. There is no tangle of overhead belting to interfere with crane movement and lighting. The machines are placed just where required to give the best and clearest floor space. And there is no waste of power when the machine is not running. The The Cyclone Motor—im- proved design for direct cn rren t, a nd con . ta n tn nd variable speeds. Built in various sizes from i/io B.H.P. upwards. YCLONE