November 29, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1129 PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield BUYERS & SELLERS of AND SPRINGUS BROS. & CO. LTD Bodies of Cast Iron or Cast Steel Valves and Seats of Platnam Metal Water or Air TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. Shafts sunk, tunnels driven, and other mining constructions carried out in difficult and very wet ground by the best method. Success guar- anteed. 19 shafts in Great Britain sunk with cementation. Ferro-Concrete Lining a speciality. Feeders of water in shafts or levels effectually treated. Town Hall Chambers, SHEFFIELD. Tel. Address “ Emu, Sheffield.” Telephone No. 61 Central. LONDON OFFICE: KING’S HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2. and at Glasgow & Philadelphia, U.S.A. SCRAP METALS Importers, Exporters and Genera! Merchants. FERRO-CONCRETE LINING Speciality-- COAL SCREENING«CONVEYING Simplex Watertight MADE IN THREE SIZES, 5, 10 and 15 AMPS. The Switch that has the reputation for working satisfactorily under water. These Switches are made in both malleable iron and brass. SIMPLEX CONDUITS LIMITED GARRISON LANE, BIRMINGHAM. 113-117, Charing Cross Road, London* W.C. 16 * Corporation Street,Manchester. 72a. Waterloo Street, Glasgow. 61, High Bridge* Newcastle. 10 & 11, Denmark Street, Bristol. 96, Whitechapel, Liverpool. 6, White Horse Street, Leeds- 14, Heathfield Street. Swansea- 4. Westgato Street. Cardiff. 1, Crimon Place. Aberdeen. 281-3. Attercllffe Common. Sheffield. ■■ BUYERS & SELLER RUE iron’ steel HOLLOW DRILL STEEL. FINISHED DRILLS. IRON AND STEEL BARS. COLLIERY CASTINGS of all descriptions. WHEELS AND AXLES. PIT TURNS, &c., &c. ELECTRIC & CRUCIBLE STEEL BARS. SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H Estimates and Designs on application. HOPKINSON REDUCING VALVES if jjniMUii r manio j Supplied for all Pressures of Steam YEARS of STUDY and EXPERIENCE HAVE BROUGHT MY SYSTEM OF CEMENTATION TO PERFECTION. J. HOPKINSON & CO. LTD BRITANNIA WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW - EDINBURGH - CARDIFF OLDHAM■ BLACKPOOL - PETROGRAD - PARIS. ALBERT FRANCOIS, Telegrams—“ Francois, Doncaster," DONCASTER. Telephone—408 Doncaster. --- AGENTS IN - AUSTRALIA - CANADA - CEYLON - INDIA - MALAY No 431. STATES - NEW ZEALAND - WEST INDIES. P&rtmen: Albert J. Francois (Belgian); Thomae Blandford.