November 15, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page V.] BUY FROM THE B.I. Registered Trade Mark. List of our manufactures of interest to the Iron & Coal Trades SHAFT CABLES, Paper, V.B., or Rubber. IN-BYE CABLES. SHOT-FIRING CABLES. TELEPHONE CABLES POLE LINES. JUNCTION BOXES. GATE END BOXES. BOX COMPOUND. COTTON COVERED WIRES, BARE COPPER WIRES. LECLANCHE CELLS. PAPER PINIONS. STATIC CONDENSERS, for the improvement of Power Factor. REMEMBER that the pre-eminent position we occupy in the electrical business is due to the number of satisfied customers of the highest standing, in many trades, whose = names are on our books. = BRITISH INSULATED & HELSBY CABLES Ltd., Cable Makers and Engineers, PRESCOT, LANCASHIRE, and HELSBY, nr. WARRINGTON.