984 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 8, 1918. in the bed or frame and various tools and accessories may be contained in compartments or recesses around the bed. The bed may also be formed with holes for guiding drills during drilling, and is preferably formed hollow, so as to serve as a reservoir for compressed air, connections being fitted for enabling the various pneumatic drills to be coupled with the reservoir, a main connection for the supply pipe being also fitted. The radial struts are con- veniently detachably connected to the bed in known manner so as to be upright when the bed is raised and lowered in shaft and horizontal when in position for securing the bed in the working position in or at the bottom of. the shaft. In order that the radial struts may be suitable for fixing the bed in position in shafts of varying diameter they are conveniently made telescopic and furnished with means for locking the telescopic parts together when they are extended to approximately the required length. The struts are, moreover, furnished with means such as screw devices for slightly extending their length, so as to com- municate the necessary pressure for producing perfectly rigid lateral bearings for the bed. For this purpose the radial struts are provided at or near their outer ends with pointed spikes or serrated shoes mounted on brackets or sockets for fixing to the radial struts, and the said brackets or lugs thereon are conveniently provided with steadying bars or plugs to be forced into, or for insertion in holes drilled in, the walls of the shaft and/or in the floor of the shaft. These brackets may also be furnished with means for holding the drills or the drilling machines in any desired position, and similar brackets for merely guiding the drills or for holding the drilling machines may be adjustably mounted anywhere along the radial struts. (Twelve claims.) 119600. Pedestals for Colliery Corves, Etc. G. Milnes, Duke-street, Staveley Town, near Chesterfield, Derby.— In ci y corves, tubs and the like vehicles as at present s usual to secure the guards which pass around ti. de of the axles to the pedestals by the same ■boil whicl secure the pedestals to the corve body, and it is, . practice that there is a tendency for the ’.nits ... ,| jolts to work loose and drop off, with the ’h the guard either falls off altogether or hangs \ fouls the tub wheels of fixtures within the i' . as the axle or lubricating devices. It has, how- oroposed to retain the guards by forming them ■ zontal arms resting upon projections on the pedestal, id having the extremities of such arms of reduced section and of a material that will bend so that the said ends can be bent backwards and downwards, and when in place also bent laterally to engage the sides of the pedestal retaining nuts to prevent their accidental rotation, and also to extend behind depending front and rear flanges to prevent the guard becoming detached from the pedestal. This invention pertains to this latter type of pedestal and guard, and consists in an improved and simplified form of construction in which the guard is formed with rigid horizontal projections either at right angles to the guard or in line with it to engage the pedestal retaining nuts to prevent their rotation. It also provides for hanging the guard from the pedestal by inward exten- sions on the U-shaped portions, and for locking the guard to the pedestal by means of a split pin or equivalent means. (Two claims.) 119612. Railway Hopper Wagons. J. W. Barnard, 71, Oxford-avenue, Southampton.—This invention has for its object to provide railway hopper wagons for transporting and discharging grain in bulk with means to render them convertible, whereby they can be made available for use for ordinary goods traffic, and comprises, and is charac- terised by, the particular construction and fitting of the doors forming the floor, and the particular position, con- struction and fitting of the hopper. To the above end the invention consists essentially in providing the inside of the hopper wagon with doors constructed, hinged and fitted, as hereinafter described, one on each side at the bottom in line with the ordinary discharge doors of a goods wagon. These doors are of size that when turned down they cover the mouth of the hopper (which is also constructed and fitted essentially as described) and pro- vide an even floor from end to end of the wagon, and thus render the wagon suitable for use as an ordinary goods wagon. The invention may be applied to hopper grain wagons now in use which may not have side discharge doors, or to new wagons, in which latter case side discharge doors are provided. The grain hopper is fitted with a slide valve for closing the hopper when filling, and afterwards for opening for discharging the contents. The hopper cover doors, and the side discharge doors are constructed and fitted with usual fastening and securing devices. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. October 28 to N ovember 2 (inclusive). [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Abrahams, E. Goldsmid-, and Parker, J. W. Construc- tion of generators for production of gas from solid fuel for automobile internal combustion engines, etc. (17647) Aktiebolaget Ingenidrsfirma F. Egnell. Registering mechanism for gas analysing apparatus. (17912) Baines, J. S. Composite fuel. (17557) Bass, K. C. Clinometers. (17570) Bolton, M. A. Internal combustion engines. (17576) British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Company). Systems of electrical distribution. (17722) Brush Electrical Engineering Company. Electricity generating and supply means. (17708) Bullock, P. W. Rotary pumps. (17644) 15868. Dubbs, C. P. Method for treating petroleum and other hydrocarbons to produce hydrocarbons having lower boiling points. (112010) 16585. Wellman, Seaver, and Head, and Smith, F. G. Steel-making furnaces or mixers and the like. (120114) 18578. Key, J. T. Apparatus for the distillation or carbonisation of coal and cannel. (120139) 19125. Hill, M. J., and Hill, J. W. Steam generators. (120143) 1918. 20. Downing, A. E. Internal combustion engines com- bined with air compressors. (120145) 7324. Compagnie Generale Electrique. Rope haulage system. (115434) Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1918. 14248. Stein et Cie, C. M. Oscillating furnaces. (120200) 14725. Soc. Franco-Beige de Fours a Coke. Construction of flue bases or piedroits for coking ovens. (120201) Burnett, C. Apparatus for washing coal, etc. (17873) Burnett, C. Extracting water, etc., from washed coal, etc. (17874) Coles, S. O. Cowper-. Construction of pumps. (17615) Cook, E. T. Automatic voltage or current regulator for electrical generators. (17817) Davidson, S. C. Manufacture of peat fuel from damp peat. (17843) Davies, E. A. and H. M. Automatic gates for the top and bottom of pit shafts, etc. ( 17686) Ellison, H. Retorts for continuous carbonisation of coal, etc. (17782) Enchmore, J. H. Gravity clinometer. (17692) Gocher, H. W. Internal combustion engines. (17834) Handley, G. Rotary pumps. (17644). Jodrey, E. W. Clinometers. (17910) Kent, H. A. Electric furnaces. (17543) Kirke, P. St. G. Multitybular boilers and heaters. (17742) Kirke, P. St. G. Burning gaseous fuel. (17918) Michel, C., and Raskin, V. Process of manufacture of briquettes from sawdust, etc. (17946) Murphy, S. Automatic voltage or current regulator for electrical generators. (17»i7) Ormerod, E. G., and Owen, H. detaching hooks of colliery cages. (17619) (Philadelphia Textile Company.) Phillips, G.' Air compressors. (17835) Pilliner, A. P, H., and Thornycroft and Company, J. I. Centrifugal pumps. (17822) Pitney, H. A. Two-stroke internal combustion engines. (17798) Ritson, F., and Wellman, Seaver and Head. Apparatus for hoisting and delivering charges to furnaces. (17696) Roberts, H. (17708) Roe, R. H. (17518) Short, G. J. (17702) Smith, C. H. (17693) Stockdale, G. Wilkinson, J., and Woodhouse, A. E. tinuous carbonisation of coal, etc. (17782) Williams, J. H. Percussive rock drills or boring tools. (17702) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on November 21.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *,* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Colonial Reports, Annual : No. 968, Grenada—Report for 1917-1918, price 2d. No. 969, Turks and Caicos Islands—Report for 1917, price 2d. (London : Published by H.M.S.O.) Means for connecting winding ropes to their Conveyors. (17899) Electricity generating and supply means. Turbines operated by internal combustion. Percussive rock drills or boring tools. Briquettes, and methods of making same. Steam generator, etc., furnaces. (17682) ” Retorts for con- the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 18335. Chamier, F. W., Craig, H. J., and Moeller, J. F. L. Manufacture of power gas, and the recovery of hydrocarbon oils. (120051) 1917. Preventable Waste of Coal.—In a letter published in The Times Trade Supplement, Mr. G. E. Mappin, of Ingate- stone, mentions that he suggested to the Ministry of Muni- tions that all the controlled firms should be requested to furnish a return giving details of their boilers, and stating whether the flanges of all steam pipes conveying steam at a pressure greater than six atmospheres were covered with insulating material, and whether CO, combustion recorders were in use in their works. He adds that the reason for this inquiry is that it has been found that by covering the flanges of such pipes a saving of as much as 10 per cent, in the loss by condensation may be effected, while the use of a combustion recorder may give a reduc- tion of 10 per cent., or even more, in the coal consumption. 10187. Remy Electric Company. Regulation of dynamo- electric machines. (112415) 13329. Worthington Pump Company (Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation). Centrifugal pumps. (120060) 13527. Ligotti, O. Direct current machines and single phase motors without commutators. (120062) 14959. McClements, T., and Kane, W. H. Internal com- bustion engines. (120071) 15253. Keith, J., and Keith, G. Apparatus for maintain- ing proportional delivery of gas and air to gas- fired furnaces. (120076) 15340. Stevenson, J. W. Apparatus for spraying or atomising liquids or fluids, and heating, cooling, or mixing the same. (120078) 15346. Bagley, D. Multiple regenerators for coke ovens or analogous devices. (120079) 15551. Restler, J. W. Pumps of the reciprocating type. (120089) 15628. Jefferson, T., and Vickers, W. B. R. Double-acting steam pumps. (120091) GUARANTEED MATERIALS. AERIAL INSULATING VARNISHES. ROPEWAYS ANY SYSTEM. W. W. Hill, Son & Wallace Ltd., Elton Street, Broughton Bridge, MANCHESTER. --- ESTABLISHED 1840. - The British Ropeway Engineering Co. Ltd., 7, MINCING LANE, LONDON, E.C. 3. Tele—CENTRAL 11250. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers No. 142), October 1918; Monthly Bulletin of the Cana- dian Mining Institute (No. 78), October 1918; Journal of the Franklin Institute (Vol. 186, No. 4), single numbers 50 cents; Journal of the Western Society of Engineers (Vol. 23, No. 4), April 1918; Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the Province of Alberta, 1917 (printed by order of the Legislative Assembly); University of Illinois Bulletin No. 104 (Vol. 15, No. 14)—Tests to Determine the Rigidity of Riveted Joints of Steel Structures, by W. M. Wilson and H. F. Moore, price 25 cents; United States Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior (Bulletin 123): Analyses of Mine and Car samples of Coal Collected in the Fiscal Years 1913 to 1916, by A. C. Fieldner and others; Technical Paper 91 : A Convenient Multiple-Unit Calorimeter Installation, by J. D. Davis and E. L. Wallace; Technical Paper 190 : Methane Accumulations from Interrupted Ventilation, with Special Reference to Coal Mines in Illinois and Indiana, by H. I. Smith and R. J. Hamon; Technical Paper 195 : The Tar Distilled from Bituminous Coal in Hand-Fired Furnaces, by S. H. Katz; Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, May 1918—List of Permissible Ex- plosives, Lamps and Motors tested prior to June 30, 1918, compiled by Albert H. Fay; The Indian Journal of Medical Research (Vol. 6, No. 1), July 1918, price 2 rupees; The Naturalist (No. 742), November 1918 (London: A. Brown and Sons Limited, 5, Farringdon- avenue, E.C. 4); Compressed Air Magazine (Vol. 23, No. 10), October 1918; Ministerio de Fomento, Boletin Oficial de Minas y Metalurgia (Ano 11, Num. 16), Setiembre 1918; Transactions of the Manchester Geologi- cal and Mining Society (Vol. 35, Part 2), issued August 1918: The Manchester Geological and Mining Society— List of Officers and Council, Session 1917-1918 (pub- lished at the Rooms of the Society, Queen’s Chambers, 5, John Dalton-street, Manchester). CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Johnson and Phillips Limited (Charlton, London).—A leaflet, just published, deals with colliery transformers (one item of the company’s comprehensive range of elec- trical equipment), and illustrates the important economy which can be effected in the cost of inbye cables. As these transformers enable the high-tension supply to be brought close to the working face, the saving of copper is con- siderable. A special design manufactured for colliery work is made in standard units, the flanged wheels of which are made to run on the colliery tracks. The port- ability of these transformers, their convenient size, and the ease with which a working unit can be extended are indicated in the leaflet. “ The Fuels of War.”—In devoting Part 112 of The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War to the sub- ject of fuel, the conductors of that publication pay a well-deserved tribute to the ‘important part which coal and oil have played in the operations of the Allies. The information, which relates chiefly to British coal output and allocation, is marshalled in narrative form and well illustrated. WRAGG & BIGGIN LTDf ;! Constructional Engineers, / •: 50, Effingham Road, Sheffield, :• Ji MANUFACTURERS OF ![ !; English Steel Joists, Rivetted ]! ]l Girders, Flitch Plates, Angies, 11 Tees, Channels, Constructional i Steelwork, &c., ;i SOLICIT YOUR ENQUIRIES. !■ Ji We hold a LARGE STOCK of all Sections for prompt delivery, ij t J Telegrams— Telephone— 11 iJ “ Girders, Sheffield.” 3873 Central. Ji