942 [supplement page X.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 1, 1918. Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes. SPECIAL JOINT. These Tubes are specially suitable for mines, being both light and strong. The Joint, as illustrated, can be easily connected, and a tube can be removed without disturbing the run Fittings of all kinds supplied. Improved Albion Loose Flange Joint. PIT PROPS. We manufacture Tubular Steel Pit Props, which are exceptionally strong and durable. They can be used repeatedly and have a high factor of safety. Lists sent on application. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., GLASGOW-41, Oswald Street. BI RM INGHAM-Broad Street Chambers. LONDON-Winchester House, Old Broad St., E.C. 2. ELECTRIC PLANT^ACCESSORIES CABLES & SWITCHES. CARBON&• METAL I [ i LAMPS. I I I M II MARKS STAMPS BRANDING IRONS TELEG THON” HASLAM & STRETTON,U,D U.WINDSOR PLACE, . . CARDIFF. . . TELEP. 2973 (TWO LINES) " Brass labels & Time CBec/rs. Sets ofletters figure Punches, fmbosslng Presses. Brass fame Plates, Stencils, Pfcu/ders'lettersL figures. pies.* E.PRYOR & SOM, Seals, nt-na WCTINCHAM st SHEFFIELD. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T c fVters Vol. I., Price 21s. net (By post 21s. 9d.). Vol. II., Price 10s. 6d. net (By post Ils.). SUPPLEMENTARY VOL. Price 10s. 6d. net (By post Ils.). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holbom, London, E.C. 4. IflUGE K A™ PRESSURES- T J.B. TREASURE O-C9, J.Stead 8 Co.Ltd. 1L.n r c ------► FILES STEAD- MANOR WORKS S HETFIELD Teleyrwru STEADFAST SHEFFIELD Telephone CENTRAL 3112 VAUXHHLL R° L LIVERPOOL j GAUGE GLASS WASHERS LUBRICATORSnc U5T5 o* PPPL/W/M. LASSES G* F £ Cq.LD; jO62^h Amarilla” Standard Tube Mill for Dry Grinding, George Fletcher & Go. Ltd DERBY CEMENT WORKS PLANT. SPECIALISTS IN COLLIERY, MINING AND — "kmarilla"tube miu. = GEORGE. FLETCHER R Co Ln. I I grL- COMPLETE CRUSHING & GRINDING PLANTS FOR FERTILISERS AND BASIC SLAGS. Send us your Enquiries. * HAMMERS WEDGES, PICKS, FORGINGS, &c., ------♦ FOR ♦- COLLIERIES, QUARRIES & WORKS. Manufactured by The PROVIDENT Steel & Tool Co. LIMITED, Brown Street, SHEFFIELD.