916 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 1, 1918. REVISED DIRECTIONS AS TO THE SALE OF COAL.* The following alterations, dated October 26, 1918, have been made in the directions as to the sale of coal, coke-oven coke, and patent fuel dated January 31, 1918 (Colliery Guardian, February 8, 1918, p. 276): A covering letter from the Coal Mines Department of the Board of Trade, London, E.C.l, October 26, 1918, states that the schedules of prices both for Allied and neutral destinations have been revised so as to bring them into accordance with prices prevailing at the present time, and do not necessarily represent the relative values of the different coals. In the case of shipments to France and Italy the existing arrange- ments in regard to brokerage on freights are main- tained. The instructions given on April 17, 1918, and October 12, 1917, respectively, limiting all contracts for the shipment of coal for export or bunkers to a period not exceeding three months' from the first of the month following that of the date of the contract, and requiring the insertion of a clause providing that the price shall be subject to any variation which may be authorised or required by the Controller of Coal Mines, remain in force. The revised directions do not affect sales made prior to October 28, 1918. Deliveries under such sales will continue to be subject to the directions previously in force. Part I.—Sales for Consumption in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands. (1) No coal may without the consent of the Con- troller of Coal Mines be sold by collieries for consump- tion in the United Kingdom, except at the maximum prices chargeable under the Price of Coal (Limitation) Act, and the Coal (Pit’s Mouth) Prices Orders Nos. 2 and 3, 1918; provided that in any case in which the * D.9702 P.W. SCHEDULE A MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES. Class of coal. Steam. S mokeless best ............ ,, second quality ... Seconds .................... Ordinaries.................. Best drys .................. Ordinary drys .............. Steam smalls, No. 1 ........ „ „ „ 2 ......... >, >) .................. „ „ M 4 ... .’... „ 5 ........ „ „ • „ 6 .......... 7 >> >> »> • ............. „ „ „ 8 ......... Washed smalls.............. Best Black Vein, large..... Ordinary Western Valley ... Best Eastern Valleys........ Second Eastern Valleys .... Best washed nuts .......... Seconds .................... Best washed peas and beans Seconds .................... Unwashed duff, 1st quality... „ „ 2nd „ ... 3rd ,, ,, ,, Price, s. d. 40 0 38 6 37 9 37 0 37 0 35 6 28 6 28 0 27 6 27 0 26 6 26 0 25 6 25 0 29 6 37 0 36 0 36 0 35 0 37 0 35 6 34 6 33 6 25 0 23 0 21 0 Bituminous. Best households .......... 40 0 Good households........... 37 9 No. 3 Rhondda large....... 37 9 Smalls.................... 33 0 NOTTS, DERBY AND YORKS. Per ton. s. d. Large screened steam ........ 37 0 Hartley's ................... 34 6 Yorkshire washed steam....... 34 6 Screened gas................. 33 0 Gas nuts..................... 32 6 Unscieened gas .............. 32 0 House and cobbles............ 34 6 Trebles (unwashed) .......... 31 0 Do. (washed)............... 32 0 Doubles (unwashed) .......... 31 0 Do. (washed) .............. 32 0 Singles and smithy peas (un- washed) ................... 30 0 Singles & smithy peas (washed) 31 0 Smalls (unwashed)......■..... 27 0 Do. (washed)............... 28 0 Coke-oven coke............... 49 6 LANCASHIRE. Best steam coal (screened) .. 34 6 Do. do. (unscreened)... 32 6 Second steam coal (screened)... 33 6 Do. do. (unscreened) 31 6 Screened gas coal ........... 33 0 Unscreened gas coal ......... 32 0 Nuts ........................ 31 0 Slack ...................... 27 0 House coal................... 34 6 DENBIGH. Best screened steam coal... 34 6 Best unscreened do......... 32 6 Best slack ................ 24 6 House coal................. 34 6 FLINTSHIRE. Best screened steam coal... 33 6 j Best unscreened do......... 31 6 Class of coal. ] Price. Bituminous (continued) s. d. No. 2 Rhondda large 31 0 No. 2 Rhondda through 30 6 Ditto and other through (seconds) 29 0 No. 2 Rhondda smalls (best) 26 0 „ „ „ (seconds) 24 0 Gas thr< >ugh 32 0 ,, small 28 0 Anthracite. Best breaking large 37 0 2nd breaking large 36 0 3rd breaking large 34 6 Red Vein large 32 6 Machine-made Cobbles. Best 49 6 2nd 48 0 3rd 46 0 Red Vein cobbles 43 0 Machine broken Nuts. (French, Paris and stove.) Best 49 6 2nd *. 48 0 3rd 46 0 Red Vein nuts 43 0 Machine-broken Beans. Best 42 0 2nd 41 0 3rd 40 0 NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE. Per ton. s. d. House coal................ 34 6 Large screened steam coal . 37 0 FOREST OF DEAN. Large coal ............... 34 0 Through coal ............. 32 0 CUMBERLAND. Screened bunker coal ..... 35 6 BRISTOL. Large coal ............... 37 0 Unscreened coal .......... 32 0 FIFESHIRE. First Fife large coal .... 35 0 Third do.................. 31 0 East of Fife Jewel coal.. 32 6 Best Navigation screened coal... 38 0 Second do. do. ... 36 0 Best Navigation unscreened coal 32 Ot Second do. do. 31 oj Third do. do. 30 6J First Navigation smalls .. 29 0 Second do. do............. 27 6 MID AND EAST LOTHIANS. First quality coal ....... 33 6 Second do. ............... 32 6 Whitehill Splint coal .... 35 0 Niddrie do. .............. 35 0 Screened bunker coal ..... 33 6 Unscreened do............. 32 6 WEST LOTHIANS. Screened coal (first quality) ... 33 6 LANARKSHIRE. Best Splint coal ....... 37 0 Second do. ............ 35 0 Best Hartley coal ........ 36 0 Named brands Ell coal..... 35 0 J Where these coals are shipped at Leith or at Glasgow or other west of Scotland ports for bunker purposes the prices are to be :— s. d. Best Navigation unscreened coal............................................ 36 0 Second do. do................................................ 33 6 Third do. do............................................. 32 6 These prices only apply to coal for the ship’s own bunkers and do not apply to coal shipped to coaling stations abroad. maximum price chargeable by a colliery for a par- ticular class of coal for consumption in the United Kingdom is higher than the price specified in Schedule A appended hereto, the colliery may charge for such coal for inland consumption prices lower than the said maximum, but in no such case (whether sold in truck at pit or f.o.b.) less than the price specified in the Schedule. (2) Prices of coal for consumption in the Channel Islands shall be determined as in the case of sales of coal for consumption in the United Kingdom. Part II,—Sales for Shipment to France and Italy.f (A) Prices. (3) (a) Except as provided in Part VII., the prices specified. in Schedule A shall be charged as fixed prices in the case of all coal, coke-oven coke and patent fuel, delivered after October 27, 1918, for shipment to France or Italy. (b) These prices, with the addition of 6d. per ton, shall be charged for coal for the manufacture in the United Kingdom of patent fuel for shipment to France or Italy. Sections 5 to 8 of the Directions of January 31, 1918, are retained. (B) Exporters’ Services. This portion (Sec. 9 to 13), remains the same as in the Directions of January 31, 1918, except that the following sub-section is inserted under Section 9: “ The exporter shall remit to the owners of the col- lieries, coke-ovens or patent fuel works from which the fuel is shipped 50 per cent, of the above remuneration, provided that the exporter shall in no case retain less than 3d. per ton, out of which any payments to agents abroad must be made.” (C) Applications for Export Licences. Sections 14 and 15 of the Directions of January 3J, 1918, remain in force. t The terms France and Italy include French and Italian possessions and protectorates and coaling stations therein. Class of coal. Price. Anthracite (continued). s. d. Red Vein beans............. 38 0 Price of screened cobbles, nuts and beans of 3rd quality ... Is. per ton resp. less than above. Peas (all qualities) ...... 27 0 Rubbly culm................ 20 0 Red Vein culm...... ....... 18 0 Breaker duff............... 15 0 Billy duff ................ 13 6 Steam (Swansea). Best large ................ 37 0 Second large .............. 34 0 Best through............... 30 6 Second through .............. 29 0 Best smalls ............... 26 0 Second smalls ............. 24 0 Screened cobbles .......... 37 0 ,, nuts ............... 37 0 „ beans ............... 34 6 Bituminous (Swansea). Through and through ....... 34 0 Smalls .................... 31 0 Gas (Swansea). Through ................... 30 6 Smalls .................... 28 0 Patent fuel................ 37 0 Coke-oven coke............. 54 6 LANARKSHIRE ~{cont.). Per ton. s. d. Second Ell coal.............. 33 6 First Navigation screened coal 37 0 Second do. do. 35 0 Best steam screened coal.... 34 6 First Navigation unscreened coal 36 0 Second do. do. 33 6 Third do. do. 32 6 AYRSHIRE. Jewel coal .................. 35 6 Soft do. .................... 33 6 Splint do.................... 35 0 Ayrshire hard coal.......... 33 6 Steam coal................... 33 6 Navigation screened coal ... 37 0 First Navigation unscreened coal 36 0 Second do. do. 33 6 Third do. do. 32 6 SCOTCH WASHED NUTS (FROM ALL DISTRICTS). Trebles...................... 30 0 Doubles ..................... 29 0 Singles .................... 28 0 Pearls ...................... 25 0 Unwashed dross .............. 22 0 SCOTCH ANTHRACITE. Round coal................... 35 0 Jumbo and treble nuts....... 35 0 Doubles ..................... 35 0 Singles...................... 32 0 Pearls ...................... 27 0 Coke-oven coke from Scotland 47 0 Patent fuel do. do. (f.a.s. Glasgow) .......... 37 0 KENT. Screened coal (at pit) ...... 37 0 Unscreened coal (at pit) .... 32 0 Nuts (at pit) ............... 31 0 Slack (at pit)............... 27 0 SCHEDULE A. -