898 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 1, 1918. _________________________ __ _________________________ _______. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS (Where the Numeral is absent the Advertise- ment does not appear in the present issue. Owing to the restrictions of paper supply, the “ COLLI ERY GUARDIAN PURCHASERS' GUIDE to ADVERTISERS SPECIALTIES” is temporarily omitted, but is issued in pamphlet form and will be sent free on application to the offices, 311 Sf 31, Furnlval-street, London, E.C. 4. Th* Guide contains full particulars of all appliances advertised in the “ Colliery Guardian.” classified under suitable headings for reference. A B. T. & S. Co................ 912 ▲uaroyd and Best Ld. ______911 Allen find Simmonds Ld.......... Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld........ 898 Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld_________ Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipton) Ld... 897 Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld________ - Angus, Geo., & Co. Ld.............. __ Appleton and Howard ........... — Aqueous Wks& DiamondRock Boring Co. Ld.__________________________ 920 Armytagp and Jones Ld............ 920 Arnold, Wm., and Co...............935 Association of Private Owners of Railway Rolling Stock ........... 920 Auld, David, and Sons Ld.......... 947 Avery. W. & T.. Ld................. 912 Baird, Archibald, and Son Ld______ >97 Baird, J. W.. and Co............... 920 Baker, John, and Son.............. Baldwin, James, and Co............ 937 Barker, J., and Co. Ld.............____ — Barns, W..and Son________________ — Barr, M., and Co. Ld_______________ — Bayliss. Jones and Bayliss Ld....... - Bell’s United Asbestos Co. Ld...... — Beiliss and Morcom Ld.............. - Ohoney Railway Wagon Co. Ld_____ 897 Jlarke, Chapman and Co. Ld........ 934 Clay Cross Co. Ld.................. 908 Clemons, Marshall & Carbert_______ — Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld... — Coan.R. W.........................__ — Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld_____ 933 Consulting Patent Agency (1880) ... — ............ Copley, T. E., and Co............... — ’oppee Co. (Great Britain) Ld_______ — Corlett Electrical EngineeringCo. Ld. 937 Cotton Powder Co. Ld.............. 904 Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............ — Cousland, Alex., and Son........... 898 Cradock, George, and Co. Ld........ 933 Cresswells’ Ld..................... 897 Crcwn Engineering Co..................... 899 Curtis’s A Harvey Ld................ — Hale, Thomas L., Ld_________ .. Hall and Hall..................... — Hanley, A......................... - Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.......902, 903 Harling, W. H..................... — Harris and Mills ........................... 920 Harrison, W. E.................... 910 Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London)Ld. .. — Haslam and Stretton Ld.................. 942 Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld. _______ — Haughton’s Pat. Metallic Pkg.Co. Ld. 900 Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld________ 948 Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld.....Cov. i Henderson and Glass....................... — Henley’s (W. T.) Tele. Works Co. Ld. — Hep worth and Grandage Ld........ — Heyde (John Bennett) & Co. _______ — Hill, W. W., Son, and Wallace Ld. ... 920 Hill and Smith Ld ................ 897 Middleton, R. H., A Co............. 944 M’Us, John, and Sons ............ — Miners’ Safety Explosive Co. Ld. Cov. i Mining Appliances Co.__....... 906,907 Mining Engineering Co. Ld.......Cov. i Mirrlees Watson Co. Ld............ — Moy, Thomas, Ld.................. 897 Bennett. Geo., and Co. Ld.......... 938 Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld_____________ Bever, Dorliug and Co. Ld.___ . 939 Birkett, Samuel, and Sobs (Cleck- heaton) Ld______________________ 900 1 B’ham Ry. Car. & Wagon Co. Ld..... 935 Blakehorough. J., and Sons Ld...... - Blakeley (Firth), Sens & Co. Ld.... 948 Bolton’s Superheaters Ld.......... 9(0 Boving & Co. Ltd__________________ — Bradley Pulverizer Co ............. - Bridge, David. & Co. Ld............ - Briquette Machinery Ld.__.......... 920 ' Bristol & South Wales Ry. Wag. Co... 897 British Electric Transformer Co. Ld... 933 I British Explosives Syndicate Ld..... 944 British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ld.. — British Ropeway Engineering Co Ld... 920 Broadbent, J. C., and Co. Ltd....... 910 Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons Ld... 905 Bromell Patents Co. Ld............. 898 Broom and Wade Ld............... — Brotherhood. Peter, Ld. _________ 934 Brown, Walter and Frank, Ld ..... ........... Brown, W. B.,and Co. (Bankhall)Ld... 912 Brownlie and Green Ld............. 947 ' Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. __......... Burnside, George.................. 947 Bute Works Supply Co. Ld_________ 948 Butterley Co. Ltd.................. 901 Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld............ 897 •* Ceag” Miners’ Supply Co. Ld. ...Cov. li Central Wagon Co. Ld............. 897 Chain Belt Engineering Co_______Cov. i Chemical Engineering and Wilton’s Patent Furnace Co. Ld .......... — Oaglish, R., and Co. Ld__________ Cov i Danks, H. and T. (Netherton) Ld. ... 897 Davenport Engineering Co. Ld...... — Davidson, J. S., and Son........... - Davis, John, and Son (Derby Ld.)... 935 Davy Bros. Ld..................... 908 Denison, S.. and Son Ld____________ 938 Denton Bros. (Sheffield) Ld........ — Dexine Ld,_______________________ 941 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............ — Du Croo and Brauns Ld............. — Dunlop Rubber Co. Ld............. — Electric Detonator Co.............. — Elliot, George, and Co. Ld__________ — Entwisle and Gass Ld.............. — Evans, D. Llewellin............... 920 Evans, Joseph, ASons(Whton. Ld.) ... 901 Evans, Sons, Lescher and Webb Ld. - Fairclough and Sona .............. 920 Eastnut Ld...................... — Fell, C. A________________________ __ Ferranti Ld...................... — Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld. ..... 942 Flottmann Engineering Co. Ld.....945 Francois, Albert ................. 908 Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld............ 933 Frost, Albert, and Co.............. 910 Fullers......................... 941 Galloways Ld.............................. 937 Gardam, Harry H., and Co. Ld.... 948 Gas Distribution Ltd..................... — Gillott, John, and Son ........... 948 Gilman, Frank ___________________ Glover, Francis................... — Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co.......... — Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld........ — Goodwin and Co.................. 9-18 Goodwin, Bars by and Co........... 947 Green, E., and Son Ld............. 897 Greenwood and Batley Ld.......Cov. iii Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld.......... 920 Hadfields Ld............... Cov. i. 912 Haggie Brothers Ld............. 947 Haggie, R. Hood, A Son Ld_________ 897 Hirst, A., and Son Ld. ... ........... .............. Holmes, J. H., and Co. ... ........ 940 1 Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld.......... Horsfield, J. and J., Ld_____.......... — Houston, J. W., and Co_____________935 Howell and Co. LdJ.............Cov. iv Hudson, T., Ld.................... Humble, Stephen.................. 897 Hurd Coalcutter A Engng. Co. Ld... — Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) ... ............... Inman, T., & Co. Ld............... 936 Interlock Metal Hose Co.........Cov. iv Internat’al Channelling Machines Ld. 931 Ironite Co. Ld_____________________ Isca Foundry Co. Ld_____.............. 920 .... Jenkinson, W. G................... 920 Johnson and Phillips Ld........... Karriar Works (Hudders^ eld) .... i Keith, James, A Blackman Co. Ld. .. — I Kennicott Water Softener Co. Cov. i ( Kenyon, Alex , & Co....................... 898 Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld........ 940 King, Geo. W., Ld................. 940 Koppers Coke Oven A Bye- Product Co. 920 Lancashire andYork. Waggon Co. Ld. 897 Lancaster and Tonge Ld___________ 898 Latch and Batchelor Ld............ 912 Lawson, John, and Sons ........... ........... Lea Recorder lx». Lu____.......... — Lee, Howl and Co. Ld...........Cov i / Lewis, William, and Son ......... 897 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. . — Locker’s Wagon Co. Ld............ London Simplet Engineering Co. l.d 899 Longbotham, R. H., and Co. Ld_____ 948 Lowmoor Co. Ld______.................. 897 Mann’s Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld .. 917 Marple and Gillott Ld...........944, 948 5. atthews A Yates Ld..-.............. 938 Mavor & Coulson Ltd.............. — Maxa Ld.......................... — Middleton, Robert, and Co.......... — Midland Counties Reinforced Con Crete Co_________________________ 897 ... National Time Recorder Co. Ld. ... — Naylor, J. H. Ld................... - Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld...... 937 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld.......... 939 Nortons (Tividale) Ltd........ .......... 940 Ormerod, Edward ................ 939 Osbeck and Co. Ld................. 920 Outra Belting and Rubber Co. Ld. ... 900 Oxley, Joseph .................... 937 Oxley, Thos.. Ld___________________ 948 Partington Steel and Iron Co. L-i. ... 943 Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld ___ - pearce. Ernest, and Co............. - Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld________Cov. i Pearson’s Elec. Miners’ Lamp Co. Ld. 899 Peckett and Sons Ld.......’. 947, 948 ............. Peebles (Bruce) A Co. Ld............ — Phillips, Charles D............... 910 Phoenix Electrical Co____________ .. 948 Pitman. Sir Isaac, & Sons Li. ..... 908 Plowright Bros. Ld.............................. 911 Porteus, George ............................ 899 Power Plant Co. Ld................ — Princeps and Co ................__ — Protector Lamp A Lighting Co. Ld Cov. iv Provident Steel A To el Co. Ld. .... 942 Pryor, Edward, and Son ___.......... 942 Pulsometer Engineerin Co. Ld..... — Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld. _________ — Reavell and Co. Ld................. —..... Benton, Holdsworth A Co. I 1 KM ■ ■■ Mtcuce Yl ________________ _______ ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makers off UOPT). COLLIERY AIR PIPES ana COLLIERY TUBS __________________________ In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—2106 Dudley. ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ JSZTw.,.“THE LANCASTER” (R.t.m.) PATENT r'*" 11 PISTON THROTTLE VALVE For Winding, Hauling, and Reversing Mill Engines, and where quick opening and dosing are required. Steamtight and reliable, steam when required for “decking”—no jerking. CAN BE MADE TO SUIT EITHER STRAIGHTWAY OR ANGLED BRANCHES. Giving great satisfaction at many of the largest Works and Collieries. FIRST ORDERS ALWAYS “ON APPROVAL.” LANCASTER & TONGE LTD., Engineers, Pendleton, Manchester. ____________________________________________________________________________ LEAKING VALVES CURED by using THE SIMPLEX PATENT VALVE- RESEATER. .... , SIMPLE. RELIABLE. FOR ALL VALVES UP TO 18 INCHES. Send for List. BROMELL PATENTS Co. Ltd 62, Robertson St., Glasgow ; 12, Bath St., Liverpool. .594 ---- Wifi" P BUILDER OF Rfl LWflY wagons; OF flit DESCRIPTIONS FOR CASH OR PURCHASE LEASE FOR 3,5,7or IO YEARS. CONTRACTOR FOR MAINTENANCES REPAIRS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK » . WAGONS LET ON SIMPLE HIRE.^Z