788 [supplement PAGE XVI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 11, 1918. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. Z21illott’s Improved. “ Gillott and Copley ” VjT Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tUement fortnightly. Sole makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. J?or Sale.—One 45-kw. Electric Lighting . SET, comprising vertical engine coupled to Siemens dynamo, amps., 220 volts, 475/500 r.p.m. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. Direct and Alternating Current Motors, DYNAMOS and GENERATING SETS, also SWITCHGEAR, INSTRUMENTS, CABLES, etc. Largest stock of Genuine Second-hand in the kingdom. THE PHCENIX ELECTRICAL CO., Specialists in New and Second-hand Electrical Plant for quick delivery. 30-36, Broomlelaw, Glassrow. HUGH WOOD & CO. Ltd., Dept. G., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Add.: “Huwod,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel.: 980 Central, Newcastle-on-Tyne. HAVE AVAILABLE FOE EARLY DELIVERY.— AUXILIARY HAULAGE GEARS. ELECTRIC, COMPRESSED AIR, or STEAM- DRIVEN, 10- to 50-h.p. Special 50-h.p. (mechanical portions only) Double Drum ELECTRIC HAULAGE GEARS, rope capacity of each drum 1,200 yards of ■J in. dia. rope. One 3J-ton Jeffrey Electric Accumulator Narrow Gauge LOCOMOTIVE. One 2J-ton Jeffrey Electric Trolley Narrow Gauge LOCOMOTIVE. One Jeffrey BARREL STACKER, suitable for stacking barrels or loading into trucks or carts. Also— One Jeffrey SWING HAMMER PULVERISER, having a capacity of 60 tons of coal J in. to dust per hour. Jeffrey Self-propelling WAGON and TRUCK LOADER, suitable for loading coal, coke, sand, or similar material. HUGH WOOD & GO. Ltd. FOR SALE. 50 tons New 141b FLANGE RAILS, with Fishplates and Bolts and Nuts to suit. 200 tons New 14 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons New 16 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons New 18 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons Second-hand 16'18 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 15,000 yards New 14 lb. PORTABLE R1ILWAY, 24 in. gauge. 30 sets 14 lb. PORTABLE POINTS and CROSSINGS, 24 in. gauge. 60 Mild Steel TURNTABLES, 24 in. gauge. 26 sets 14 lb. Portable POINTS and CROSSINGS, 30 in. gauge. 1,500 New Steel SLEEPERS, for 30 in. gauge. 1,500 Second-hand Wood SLEEPERS, 6 ft. by 8 in. by 4 in. 1,500 Second-hand Wood SLEEPERS, 4 ft. 6 in. by 6 in. by 3 in. 6,000 cub. ft. Second-hand Railway Creosoted CROSSING TIMBERS. Enquiries promptly attended to. Specialists in the purchase and removal of Complete Plants and Works. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. Telephone—1991 Sheffield. Telegrams—" Ferric/’ Sheffield. FOR SALE. “ T>riestman ” Double Chain Grab of . 1 the close tine pattern; inside dimensions—4 ft. 4 in. long, 4 ft. wide, 2 ft. 9 in. deep. “Priestman” DOUBLE CHAIN GRAB of the close tine pattern, with solid plates inside ; 4 ft. 9 in. long, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, 3 ft. deep; nearly new. “Priestman” DOUBLE CHAIN GRAB, for working rock; 4 ft. 4 in. long, 4 ft. 4 in. wide, 2 ft. 2 in. deep. 9-ft. Over-driven Perforated CLAY-GRINDING PAN (by Johnson & Tucker), with rollers-5 ft. diam. by 16 in. wide; practically new. 9-ft. Under-driven Perforated CLAY-GRINDING PAN (Fawcett’s), with rollers 4 ft. 4 in. diam. by 16 in. wide. 20 in. by 3 in. Blake-Marsden PULVERISER, with two flywheels and one driving pulley. 15 in. by 9 in. and 10 in. by 7 in. Blake-Marsden PORTABLE STONE BREAKERS. Two 12 in. by 7 ip. Broadbent PORTABLE STONE BREAKERS, with road wheels. CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, friee on application. Inspection invited. THO* W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS, * Tel.—" Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. MA CH INER Y-continued, The Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. Telegrams—“ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). WANTED. LOCOMOTIVES, ready for immediate work, 4 or 6 wheels coupled. Name builder, age, price, and where to be seen. WAGONS, 10- or 12-tonners, 1 end and 2 side doors; also 8/10 tonners, low sides, for main line traffic. State age, builder, price, and where to be seen. WHEELS AND AXLES—Good Second-hand, 6ft. 5 in. and 6 ft. 4 in. centres, journals 8 in. by 3J in.; tyres not less than 1$ in. State number of pairs and price delivered Cardiff. WHEEL LATHE, for turning loco, and railway wagon tyres. FOR SALE. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity if taken “ as raised.” NEW STEEL RAILS. About 500 tons, principally FLANGE, 20 lb. and 27J lb. per yard, and FLANGE RAILS, 301b., 351b. and 41$ lb. per yard; f.o.t. Cardiff. List on application. PLATFORM WAGONS.—10. good as new, 2 ft. gauge; now at Cardiff. JACKS.—10 Lifting and Traversing, 15/20 tonners; now at Cardiff. SMALL COAL LOADERS.—One or two, perfectly new, bjr Jeffery, ready for immediate delivery; well adapted for loading small coal from stock. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield, HAVE FOR SALE: ne 2,000-h.p. Triple Expansion Engine, by Beiliss, cyls. 22 in., 35 in. and 55 in., by 30 in. stroke, 200 r.p.m. at 170 lb. steam. One 850-900-h.p. TRIPLE EXPANSION ENGINE, by Browett & Lindley, h.p. cyl. 17J, i.p. 25 in., l.p. 35 in. by 14 in. stroke, 140/150 lb. pressure, 333 r.p.m. TANDEM COMPOUND ENGINE, 300-h.p., cyls. 12 in. and 22 in. dia. by 2 ft. 6 in. stroke, with Corliss valve gear. T?or Sale :— _L? VERTICAL COMPOUND CORLISS ENGINE, cylinders 12 in. and 22 in. by 3 ft. stroke, grooved wheels 12 in. diameter. Hick-Hargreaves, Bolton. Pressure 160 lb. HORIZONTAL CONDENSING ENGINE, cylinder 20 in. by 36 in. stroke. Wood, Sowerby Bridge. Pressure 85 lb. GAS ENGINE, horizontal, cylinder 10 in. by 20 in. stroke, by 150 r.p.m., complete with starter, also two flywheels and pulley fitted. Barkers & Co. Birmingham. All in excellent condition. Apply, THE PERFECTA SEAMLESS STEEL TUBE AND CONDUIT CO. LTD., Plume-street, Birmingham. T?or Sale. — One Powerful Horizontal r Belt-driven Twin AIR COMPRESSOR, mounted on separate bed- plates, can be run singly or coupled together; capacity 985 cubic feet free air per minute. Five Excellent Horizontal Straight-line Steam-driven AIR COM- PRESSORS ; capacity 100, 250 and 285 cubic feet free air per minute. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. Good Second-hand Railway a V-Z vv SLEEPERS, 9 by 10 by 5, suitable for flange section ? rails: also 1,000 G.S.H. CROSSING TIMBERS, 9/15 ft. 100 G.S.H. PITCH PINE BAULKS, 12 by 8,12 by 6, and 12 by 12, in long lengths.—Apply, M. J. DEVILLE & CO., Millhouses, Sheffield. Telegrams—“ Deville, Sheffield.” Telephone—234 Beauchief. T7or Sale, 150 tons Second-hand T-section 1 RAILS, 33 lb. per yard, with chairs to match. Excellent condition. GOODWIN & CO., 53, Queen-street, Sheffield. Babcock and Wilcox Water Tube Boiler, 1,530 square feet heatin'? surface, 160 lb. working pressure, in first- class condition ; for immediate delivery from stock. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LIMITED, Staines. T?or Sale, 18-inch gauge Rail Track, T with TIP WAGONS, and SECOND-HAND TURNTABLES and TURNOUTS. Good—Apply, THOS. W. WARD LTD., Sheffield. T?or Sale, a Pair of 13 in. Vertical WINDING ENGINES, by Allens, of Bedford, cylinders 13 in. by 9 in. stroke; winding drum 4 ft. 6 in. diameter; equal to new. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LIMITED, Staines. WAGONS FOR SALE. QFC/A 3-ft. Gauge Side Tip Wagons ; \_J also -30 Ditto, with steel tops, good second-hand wagons; low prices. Also quantity of rebuilt BALLAST WAGONS, laminated spring buffers, 10-12-ton capacity. 12 10-ton Main-line COAL WAGONS. BOLSTER WAGONS, with spring buffers, single and double. 10 12-ton HOPPER WAGONS, with bottom doors. Whole of above second-hand, good condi- tion, and low prices.—JNO. F. WAKE, Darlington. R. H. LONGBOTHAM A CO. LTD., Wakefield, HAVE FOR SALE: Ane Sirocco Fan, revolving type, 31,000 cub. ft. capacity, 2£ in. w.g. For belt- or motor-drive. One SCHIELE FAN, 4 ft. 6 in., 20,000 cub. ft. capacity approx., 23 in. outlet, complete with 2 belt pulleys. FOR SALE. 30/35-h.p. Compound Undertype ENGINE and BOILER. Boiler 14 ft. by 2 ft. 3 in. Engine h.p. cyl. 7 in., l.p. cyl. 11$ in., stroke 14 in. Maker: Marshall, Gainsboro. VERTICAL BOILER, 9 ft. by 3 ft. 9 in., two cross tubes, nsure 80 lb. VERTICAL BOILER, 8 ft. by 4 ft., two cross tubes, insure 80 lb. Rect. W.I. TANK, 20 ft. by 11 ft. by 4 ft. by i in. plate, round corners, Butt Joints, with T Irons. Rect. W.I. TANK, 18 ft. by 13 ft. by 6 ft. by g in. plate. Rect. C.I. TANK, 12 ft. by 9 ft. by 4 ft. by J in. plates. . Receiver TANK, 30 ft. by 3 ft. by g in. plate. COLLIERY PUMPS, ENGINES, PULLEYS, JOISTS, ANGLES, etc. THOS. OXLEY LTD., Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD. t’Phone—4630. ‘ ’Grams—“Ironical,” Sheffield. New and All Q with all Second-hand I1AI LbOj accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOODWIN <& CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. ---o--- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” Workmanship and Materials of the Highest Quality. ’&*** ****' Built to any Specification or Gauge. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. MAOHINERY—continued. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., WAKEFIELD. And at MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Address: “Engineer, Wakefield.” Tel.: 44 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster. HAVE FOR SALE: Pair Main and Tail HAULING ENGINES, 24 in. dia. cyls, by 30 in. stroke, complete with two 6 ft. dia. drums, and strongly geared. By Bradley and Craven Ltd. Pair Self-contained HAULING ENGINES, 10 in. dia. cyls, by 18 in. stroke, geared 51 to 1, with drum and C pulley, &c. Two Pairs Self-contained HAULING ENGINES, 6 in. cyls, by 10 in. stroke, two drums 2 in. dia. by 1 ft. 2 in. wide; new. Pair WINDING ENGINES, cylinders 22 in. diam. by 4 ft. stroke, fitted with 10 ft. drum. Pair WINDING ENGINES, cylinders 18 in. diam. by 48 in. stroke, fitted with 10 ft. drum. One “Capell ” FAN, single inlet, 15 ft. diam., 100,000 cub. ft. capacity. One Sirocco FAN, revolving type, 31,000 cub. ft. capacity* 21 in. w.g.; for belt- or motor-drive. One Schiele FAN, 4 ft. 6 in., 20,000 cub. ft. capacity approx., 23 in. outlet, complete, with 2 belt pulleys. Two WEIR TYPE PUMPS, capacity about 500 gallons per hour, 5 in. steam cyl., 31 in. water cyl. One Evans SINKING PUMP, 21 in. x 16 in. x 24 in. One DITTO, 21 in. by 12 in. by 24 in. One DITTO, 21 in. by 10 in. by 24 in. Please note R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd. always have in stock, plant of every description for collieries, iron and steel works, contractors, &c., and are pleased to tender for purchase of plant. JOHN F. WAKE, DARLINGTON. TWAa,clxi.n.ex*3r for Sale— LOCOMOTIVES. 18 in. Cylinder 2-6-0-type Loco., with six-wheeled tender, by Beyer Peacock* boiler with copper box, 1501b. w.p., wheels 4ft. diameter; a fine and very powerful locomotive : thoroughly overhauled; £3,250. 17 in. Cylinder 2-4-0 Side Tank Loco., overhauled, 140 lb. w.p., by Beyer Peacock; £2,200. 16 in. Cylinder six-coupled Saddle Tank Locomotive, by Peckett, copper box, 150 lb. w.p., re-tubed, fitted with new cylinders and pistons; over- hauled: £2,500. 13 in. Cylinder six-coupled Saddle Tank Loco., by Kitson, overhauled, 150 lb. w.p.; £1,850. 12 in. six-coupled Saddle Tank Loco., by Vulcan Foundry, overhauled, new cylinders, etc., 150 lb. w.p.; £1,750. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS. 350-kw. G.E.C. Alternator, 230 volts, 3-phase ; £850. 300-kw. Westinghouse Alternator, 2,400 volts ; £650 250-kw. Belt- or Rope-driven Generator or Motor, by B.T.H., 500 volts d.c.; £575. 100-h.p. Belt- or Rope-driven Generator or Motor, by Parker, 230 volts d.c.; £350. Six 25-h.p. Traction Motors, 500 volts, series wound; £85 each. One 8-h.p. Series-wound Motor, 500 volts; £35. One 6-h.p. „ „ 230 „ ; £25. MACHINE TOOLS. Horizontal Boring Machine, 5 in. spindle ; £650. Double-headed Horizontal Boring Machine, 4£ in. spindles ; £475. Double-headed Milling Machine, by Smith & Coventry ; £160. Vertical Pillar Drill, by Shepherd Hill, 3 in. Spindle; £75. Four Wall Radial Drilling Machines, by Noble & Lund, 66 in. radius, 2| in. spindles; £55 each. DREDGER. One Alluvial Dredger, suitable for tin, gold, &c., new in 1913; a fine machine; price £6,000, about one-quarter of its value. STEAM NAVVIES. Two 12-ton Wilson Crane Type Navvies, rebuilt; fine machines; price £1,850 each. Two 5-ton “Baby” Crane Navvies, one second-hand, done six months’ work, only £1,000; the other, perfectly new, £1,300. One Ruston Tower Type Navvy; £650. TRACTION ENGINES, STEAM WAGONS AND TRAILERS. 8-h.p. Traction Engine, by Dodman, ready for work; £350. 6-h.p. ,, „ Aveling & Porter, new box and tubes, and over- hauled ; £525. 5- ton Yorkshire Steam Wagon, under-type engine, steel tyres, overhauled, 200 lb. w.p.; £500. 6- ton Atkinson Steam Wagon, under-type engine, steel tyres, overhauled, 200 lb. w.p.; £700. Two 5-ton Timber Drays, 15 ft. poles ; £50 each. HYDRAULIC PRESSES, PUMPS AND PLANT. One very powerful Double Ram Press, about 1,000 tons ; £700. 800-h.p. Horizontal Engine and Pumps, for 2^ tons w.p.; £1,200. Hyd. Pumps, by Fielding & Platt, steam cylinder 10 in., rams 1g in., stroke 15 in., 1,500 lb. w p.; £130. Hyd. Pumps, by Fielding & Platt, steam cylinder 12 in., rams 1g in., stroke 24 in., 1,500 lb. w.p.; £180. Hyd. Pumps, by Armstrong Whitworth, steam cylinder 16 in., rams 2$ in., stroke 24 in., 3,000 lb. w.p.; £400. 20 Hydraulic Presses, rams 6 in. to 12 in. diameter, 2 tons w.p.; prices ' from £60 to £200. Hyd. Punching and Shearing Machines, by Fielding & Platt, for $ in. plate; price (each) £65. STEAM ENGINES. High-speed Vertical Compound Totally-enclosed Engine, cylinders Ilin, and 20 in. diameter, 8 in. stroke, 124-b.h.p.; £360. Marine Type Compound Condensing Engine, by Dick Stevens, cylinders 15 in. and 30 in. by 33 in. stroke, 300-h.p.; £550. Horizontal Engine, by Hick Hargreaves, Corliss valves, cylinder 18 in. by 30 in. stroke, 120-h.p.; £375. Horizontal Engine, by Robey, cylinder 13 in. by 26 in., 50-h.p.; £120. GAS ENGINES. Magnificent Horizontal Tandem Gas Engine, 500‘h.p.; £1,850. 80-h.p. Stockport Gas Engine, magneto ignition; £275. 45-h.p. Crossley ,, „ ,, „ ; £200. Two 40-h.p. Premier Gas Engines, tube „ ; £140 each. CRANES. 15-ton Hand-operated Goliath Crane, steel structure, 40 ft. span; £350. Three 3,'5-ton steel Goliaths, 19 ft. span; £250 each. 20-ton Square Shaft Overhead Crane, 30 ft. 5 in. span; £525. 15-ton Steam-driven „ „ 44 ft. 8 in. ,, ; £650. 15-ton Steam Travelling Derrick, 70 ft. steel jib; £650. 5-ton Steam Derrick, 70 ft. jib; £360. Two 3-ton Steam Derricks, 46 and 55 ft. jibs : £210 each. Several Hand Derricks, 20 cwt. capacity; £35 each. 3-ton Hand Portable Crane, standard gauge; £95. 20/30-cwt. Warehouse Crane ; £18. WAGONS. Six 10-ton Main-line Coal Wagons, with side doors. Six Spring Buffer Ballast Wagons, 10- and 12-tonners. Twenty 10-ton Spring Buffer Goods Wagons, side doors. Eight Spring Buffer Bolster Wagons, 8- and 10-ton capacity. 250 36-in. gauge Side Tip Wagons, wooden tops, 1$ c.y. capacity. 40 36-in. gauge „ „ „ steel tops. BOILERS. Two Marine Type Multitubular Boilers, by Cochran, 14 ft. 11 in. by 6 ft. 7 in., 120 lb. w.p.; £500 each. One Yarrow Tubular Boiler, 180 lb. w.p.; £300. Vertical Boilers, 6- and 8-h.p., for 70 to 80 lb. w.p. Marine Boiler, 10 ft. 3 in. by 9 ft. 3 in., for 120 lb. w.p.; £980. 12-h.p. Loco. Type Boiler, by Davy Paxman, 120 lb. w.p., overhauled and fitted with new tubes; £250. JOHN F. WAKE, DARLINGTON. *** For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges see Page 760 (Leader Page). Pmtad and Published by tbe Propnetcn, Tbs Colubry Guardiaw Company Lmnro, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Friday, October 11. 1318.