October 11, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ,[supplement PAGE IX.] 781 THOS OXLEY |? —“PROTAN”— For BOILERS. Iron, Steel & Machinery Merchants, Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD BUYERS OF SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS AND OBSOLETE PLANTS. A CONTINUAL STOCK OF SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED. -LIGHT ANO HEAVY SECTION RAILS.- Telegrams—“IRONICAL, SHEFFIELD.” * Telephone-4630 (6 Lines). THE JUDGE OF THE BOILER PLANT. The “Lea” Recorder, illustrated opposite, by measuring your Boiler Feed Water continuously, would enable you to determine the “ lbs. of water evaporated per lb. of coal burnt,” and so to judge the efficiency of your plant. The following is a typical letter received from one of our clients : “The Recorder which you installed for us some time back, has proved very useful, and the information received from it has enabled us to improve the efficiency of the Boiler Plant, and also to reduce our coal bill.” PARTICULARS, PLANS & QUOTATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM:— THE LEA RECORDER CO. LTD., 28, Deansgate, MANCHESTER. For Windmill Lane, Stratford, Telegrams—“ Agrikinger, London.” EWARTS TYPE CHAINS COLLIERIES and MINES, &c. Elevator Buckets. Sprocket Wheels GEO. W. KING Ltd LONDON. E. 15 Telephone—18 and 662 Stratford. i A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (containing 48 50 % TANNIN). In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient llllllllll SCALE REMOVER llllllllll at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can be based on analysis of water. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds> Established 1800. Telegrams—“ Lettering, Sheffield.” Brass Time Checks JOHN LAWSON & SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, &c. Telephone No. 577. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automatic Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive in action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal Gland Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, Class B For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD/1'",ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. 7ELEG:"TNOR” HASLAM & STRETTON,L\D 11.WINDS0R PLACE. : . CARDIFF. . . , TELEP: 2978 (TWO LINES) ELECTRIC PLANT ^ACCESSORIES CABLES & SWITCHES. CARBONg- METAL i f 1 LAMPS. I I I I1! I I PIPE LINES WATER, STEAM, OIL, AIR, GAS, HYDRAULIC. CONTRACTS COMPLETED THROUGHOUT UNITED KINGDOM. J. W. HOUSTON & CO., partick cross, GLASGOW. i a - O o o : 1 Ttafe MAKERS OF LANCASHIRE. CORNISH. $ntdh^l TYPES OF BOILERS, SUPERHEATERS, CONTRACTORS FOR COMPLETE BOILER HOUSE EQUIPMENT.