750 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 11, 1918. PHOTOGRAPH OF “CLIPTUB.’’ In the foreground are the Plates and Clips for one Complete Tub. The “ CLIPTUB” takes its name from a unique feature in its construc- tion, i.e., the Clips that hold together the interchangeable sides and bottom of the tub. The above illustration shows the ingenuity and simplicity of this invention. The Clips are of great strength and rigidity to stand the heavy strain of daily wear. The “ Cliptub ” is economical ; a damaged plate can be easily replaced by withdrawing the clips. The plates and clips may be used over and over again. The “ Cliptub ” is rivetless, therefore there is no damage done to plates when executing repairs as is the case with riveted tubs. The “Cliptub” is unequalled for strength, durability and upkeep. Telegrams: “Conveyor, Sheffield.” Telephone: 2401 Central. MINING 1 111 32,CHURCH ST , SHE FF IELD.