742 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 11, 1918. TEN YEARS FROM NOW D°, you see your business as you want it to be in 1928 ? Is there a picture in your mind of bigger premises, more window space, finer stocks, a fleet of vans and a staff of well-trained, satisfied, efficient drivers ? And have you analysed the methods which will make this possible? Your delivery costs, for example. Heavy to-day because, except for tyres, prices have risen so abnormally: but even so there’s a big saving to be effected by fitting Dunlop tyres to your vans. For they’re so resilient that they save petrol every mile they run; they take up road shocks and save chassis wear; they give long mileages and with proper care the sound casings on which they are built will stand retreading. And every owner of a commercial vehicle used for goods carrying only is entitled to ask his local agent to explain to him the advantages shown oi the Dunlop Pink Form Agreement. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry, Para Mills, Aston Cross, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone - East 920-930. Are YOU employing a disabled man ? £ Albert Frosts _ Houuzird St. Sheffield. WotShobs Do® talKBSS • DELIVERIES» ® FROM STOCK o “union" brand B| RED LABEL. Sdi