October 4, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [ SUPPLEMENT . PAGE IX.] 729 TWO PURPOSES FOR CELEBRATED HALFMOON TELEGRAMS SPENCER SHEFFIELD. TELEPHONE : 1231 CENTRAL. CENTURIES’ REPUTATION. MATTHIAS SPENCER & ALBION STEEL WORKS SHEFFIELD THE NEVER PASS. PATENTED PUMP BUCKETS — If — your water end of pump gives you trouble, Write us for List B. PUMP BUCKETS I. Flexible "rings The Rings are Flexible, they Expand Automatically to Pressure, are Always Tight, are not Split, do not cause Uneven Wear, Reducing Friction to a Minimum. SOLE PROPRIETORS : DGJCINC' Ltd., Stratford, London, E. 15 Telegrams: “ Dexine, Stratford, London.” Telephone: 365 Stratford. FOR Mines, Collieries, Gas Works, Sewers, Bunkers, Magazines, Munition Works, Aircraft WOODLAND WORKS Telephone -ILFORD 173 (3 lines). All-Steel Body. No Projections. CONTRACTORS TO ADMIRALTY AND :: WAR OFFICE :: Fitted with Con- cealed Magnetic Lock and Positive Switch. Light in Weight and Comfortable to Carry. Fitted with the Fuller Patent Block Accumulator—no Plates to Buckle. Gives a Brilliant and Sustained Light of High Candlepower, with a large margin of Useful Lighting Capacity. Manufactured by FULLERS, CHADWELL HEATH Established 1865. Telegrams “ FULLERS, CHADWELL HEATH. Electric Safety Lamp Approved by Home Office for Use in Mines. E « i HIGHEST No. 49. Winding Rope. .No. 48. Haulage Hope. Universe Wire Rope Works, BIRMINGHAM. STEEL WIRE ROPES In Flattened Strand, Locked Coil and other Special Constructions, for Mining and _ ‘XX Engineering Purposes. -'XX