726 [supplement PAGE VI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 4, 1918. IM, ®©®®®®®®©®©® ©©©©©4 ®©®®©®®C ®®©®©®©®®®©fe©fc©©©©©©®©©®&© ®©©®®©®®®®©®®©®®©®©©®©©©©©©©©©©®©®©®®®©© ®®©©©©®©©©©©®©©®©©©®©©©©©&©©fe©®©©©©©©©®& ©©©£©© ©©©©©©©c®©fe&©©©©©fe©fe©t.fc« ©©©®®®®®© THE “SPHINX”—EGYPT. ,rU',». I®?' TWO SYMBOLS OF DURABILITY THE “FLOTTMANN” DRILL—CARDIFF. ^ThfeWf THE “FLOTTMANN” HAMMER DRILLS will not last as long as the “SPHINX”— but they WILL OUT LAST ANY OTHER make or type of HAMMER DRILL ON THE MARKET. This fadt is accounted for by the sole use of solid dteel forgings, and to the special heat treatment to which all the parts of our machines are subjected—which renders them immune from breakages. Machines which were Purchased 10 Years Ago are stm At Work To-day. “FLOTTMANN” HAMMER DRILLS are MANUFACTURED in several sizes TO SUIT ALL the various CONDITIONS of the whole range OF MINING. The “FLOTTMANN” is the Most Economical Hammer Drill on the market. Apply for CATALOGUE and DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. THE FLOTTMANN ENGINEERING CO. LTD., ALLENSBANK WORKS, ■-------------------- CARDIFF. > *99999999999399999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999399999999999999993999999999999999999999999993999999999999999999993999993393999999933939399999999999993999999999