700 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 4, 1918. HADFIELDS I? Colliery Requisites of every description. COMPLETE STONE BREAKING and ORE CRUSHING PLANTS. Steel Castings and Forgings of all kinds. Sole Makers of HADFIELD’S PATENT “ERA Manganese Steel THE SUPREME MATERIAL for Railway and Tramway Special Track - work ; also wearing parts of Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Machinery, etc. Hecla & East Hecla Works, SHEFFIELD. Works area over 200 acres. Workmen employed over 15,000. * f- i HADFIELD’S DUST-PROOF COLLIERY TUB. The wheels are fitted on the axles by Hadfield’s Special “ Lock-fast ” method, which gives absolute security. LATCH & BATCHELOR Ltd. AMALGAMATED WITH WEBSTER & HORSFALL. (Established 1*730). Wire Drawers, Manufacturers of all classes of Wire Ropes. INVENTORS, PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF LOCKED COIL AND FLATTENED STRAND WIRE ROPES, hauling 4 F.S. WINDING. 13b F.S. NON-TWISTING. 20 LOCKED COIL GUIDE. PATENT FLATTENED STRAND LOCKED COIL WINDING. LOCKED COIL WINDING. fir A 20a LOCKED COIL AERIAL. Works: HAY MILLS, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone (2 Lines): 338, 339 VICTORIA, BIRMINGHAM. Telegraphic Address : LATCH, HAY MILLS. WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agenfo for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS. KEY AND NEW BRITISH INDUSTRIES EXHIBITION. Central Hall, Westminster. • ---------------- This Exhibition, which opens on October 7, relates chiefly to products formerly imported from enemy countries, but now made in this country. Our Exhibits will illustrate the progress we have made in our own special lines of work. Hadfield’s Special “COAL-CUT” STEEL for Coal Cutter Bits is unsurpassed for Durability. gPENCER & 00. LD Engineers, Melksham BRANCH OFFICES. WILTS HULL— Burnett Avenue. CARDIFF 92, Claude Road. LONDON 33» Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL 34, Castle Street. Winding Engines fitted with Ferodo-lined Brakes possess a 50 °/o greater margin of safety and can be worked at higher speeds than those fitted with the old makeshift materials such as wood, leather and hemp. These relics of an inefficient age have all the short- comings common to makeshifts. They are adversely affected by pressure, speed and heat. Ferodo fabrics give a higher co-efficient of friction, which enables engineers to raise their standard of production. BHaaEEl FRICTION SURFACES. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London General Omnibus Company, and Underground Electric Railways of London and Paris. List H from THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., Work.-CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. Depots at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle. Agents for India: THE ASBESTOS & BELTING CO., 02 3 & 4, Waterloo Street. CALCUTTA. The name to remember when you weighing. The Avery Automa w?& L AVERY LTD., ' BIRMINGHAM. W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.