692 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN.- October 4, 1918. Telephone: No. 4800 (5 Lines). , Telegrams: "MOTOR.” DAVY BROS. LTD., SHEFFIELD. Highest Class Lancashire Boilers FLAT OR DISHED ENDS. Any Size or Pressure. BLAKE” VERTICAL MULTITUBULAR BOILERS, THE BEST WASTE-HEAT BOILER ON THE MARKET. HIGH-SPEED Steam-Hydraulic, Forging, Bending, Shingling, Shell and Drawing PRESSES 20% ADDED TO YOUR OUTPUT SURELY a point worth your consideration! This can actually be realised by the use of reliable LEATHER BELTING in place of a Textile Belt. In addition to the increased Power Transmission from Leather \ Belting the wearing properties are very much greater. ’ I ’HE superiority of Leather Belting in comparison with Textile Beltsis I universally acknowledged. The price of leather has been frequently brought forward as a reason for using textile belting, but the difference in cost is now so slight, and when you consider that ZZZZZZZZ. V XX £ XZZZZZZZ/& The TYrlli q The “SERVICE” BELT “SERVICE” BELT LEATHER BELTING ZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. ADDS 20 PER CENT. TO YOUR OUTPUT, the argument is undoubtedly in favour of its use. QWING to the difficulty of getting thoroughly matured leather suitable for first-class belting, we have made a practice of keeping belting in stock for several months to mature. We are in a position to give % from the very large stocks we hold of the Following standard classes:— STANDARD OAK TANNED BELTING PATENT ORANGE TAN LEATHER BELTING SPECIAL COLUMBIA LEATHER BELTING. Send for our fully illustrated “H ” Dept. Catalogue and consult us if in difficulty regarding the most suitable belt for any particular drive. JOHN TULLIS & SON, Ltd ST. ANN’S WORKS GLASGOW.