September 20, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE XI.] 627 COLLIERY BOILERS A SPECIALITY. Telephone No. 8 1. ARNOLD’S PATENT BULBOUS FLUE. One of these Boilers with Arnold’s Barrel Flues inserted has worked at Doncaster Corporation Electric Light and Power Station at 200 lbs. working pressure for 17 years without repairs. Established 185 6. HOFKINSON-WEST PATENT Root of Flange If' Radius r-------F Expansion Safety Flue. Also TOLUOL PLANTS, BYE-PRODUCT PLANTS and CHEMICAL PLANTS erected and maintained. WM. ARNOLD & CO., “.r BARNSLEY. ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD., A HAMILTON. Telegrams—Excello. Telephone—No 57. — Makers of — V GUTTA PERCHA PUMP Vl BUCKETS, RINGS & WASHERS. AND ALL COLLIERY REQUIREMENTS. CRADOCKS WIRE ROPES works— WAKEFIELD, England On Admiralty List of Contractors. John Russell & Co. Ld ALMA TUBE WORKS, WALSALL. & FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS AND FOR ALL PURPOSES H. & R. Waterfall & Barber, Prometheus Works, SHEFFIELD. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL CUTTER PICKS. TRADE MARK NIAGARA O£ lu ul X j- w ae TRADE MARK u MAGIC.” HjrR.WATCRFAU * BARLER SHEFFIELD. N I A G ARA HIGH SPEED STEEL and TWIST DRILLS. MAGIC STEEL and FILES.