622 [supplement PAGE VI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 20, 1918. GEORGE BENNETT CO (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED. SPECIAL BRANDS High Grade Crucible TRADE ( MARKS B HARD CAST STEELS TOOLS | MAGNET STEEL HIGH=SPEED STEELS TOOL STEEL SPECIALISTS. Special Chrome Wortle Steel Wire Drawers’ Plates with or for Wire Drawers’ Plates. without Shank made in all sizes. Self-Hard Steel Works, SHEFFIELD, Eng. Telegraphic Address: “FAMOUS, SHEFFIELD.” EstablisHed 1879. National Tel.: No. 1449 & 481. No Chips—No Shavings— therefore better work WAR SERVICE RAILWAY TRAFFIC. Order your new Weighbridge . . More work . . better work .. from healthy and contented workmen . . No risk of fire or accidents through neglected refuse . . No stoppages for cleaning . . Gone is the sweeper with his brush . . Follow this line of thought in the light of your experience with wood- working machinery. Visualise the working conditions of a dustless, refuse- less shop, and be assured that these ideal conditions follow inevitably the installa- tion of the Cyclone Dust Collector. The NOW. Prices are rising. YCLONE . ,[•. r i';- The Cyclone Full-Housed Blower for Refuse Collec- tion, Induced Draught, Ventilation, etc. DUST & REFUSE COLLECTOR commences operations at the point of production on the machine, and finishes when the refuse is delivered at some convenient spot for use or easy removal. At no time is any litter allowed to accumulate around the machines or in any way interfere with the working of the organisation. Briefly the Cyclone System consists of a series of hoods or hoppers placed on the machines. Suction collects the refuse and conveys it through ducts and trunking to separators from whence it is delivered without air. We shall be glad to give you further par- ticulars and to place our experience at your disposal. Have our Booklet 275B. ftotthcwseYatcsE |f WORK 5 J owinton JnanGhcsteE c The LEEDS make has Girders and Rails compounded, and an inserted platform. SAMI DENISON & SON I™ Furlea, LEINOS.