September 20, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 595 SIMPLEX HEAVY GAUGE SCREWED CONDUITS and FITTINGS make a perfect and permanent protection for all Electric Light and Power Installations. Nothing but the best materials are employed in their manufacture, and the keenest supervision is exercised during the progress of the raw material to the highly-finished pro- duct. Wherever the situation is an ex- posed one, and the conditions are severe, such as in Mines, Yards, Factories, Ironworks, etc., the Simplex System of Steel Conduits should be specified. PLEXSIM ELECTRIC HEATING and COOKING APPARATUS comprises Hot Plates, Large Water Boilers, Electric Stills and all forms of Heaters for Industrial and Domestic purposes. All the articles are designed with special regard to efficiency, durability, and simplicity of repair. They are in every way a sound, engineering job. SIMPLEX ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES for all positions and purposes. Are refined in design and robust in construction. SIMPLEX [I'D Head Office and Works : GARRISON LANE, BIRMINGHAM Telegrams—" Economy, Birmingham.” Telephone—No- 535 (4 lines) Victoria, Birmingham. 113 -117, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 16, Corporation Street, Manchester. 72a, Waterloo Street, Glasgow. 61, High Bridge, Newcastle. 11, Denmark St., Bristol. 96, Whitechapel, Liverpool. 6, White Horse Street, Boar Lane, Leeds. 14, Heathfield Street, Swansea. 4, Westgate St., Cardiff. 1, Crimon Place, Aberdeen. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Speciality— COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING i w • ‘ \ SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY. DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS NOW AT WORK IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application. Do© Spaces© Albert Frosts „ HoouzirdSt. Sheffield. UNION BRAND RED LABEL. DELIVERIES FROM STOCK KhfltiS Q Q Q Q Q O I I 1 I HOPKINSON R.D.S. STEAM TRAP FOR ALL PRESSURES. Cast Iron or Cast Steel Body. DISCHARGE ■k " Hopkinson Platnam Valve and Seat. Figure No. 9034. J. HOPKINSON & CO., LTD., BRITANNIA WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW . PARIS - PETROGRAD. No. 400.