September 20, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 591 15 H.P. Double Drum Electric Hauler Each drum capable of holding 750 yards f in. dia. rope. .J.. III ' Controller removed to show reduction gear. HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD., Dept. G9 N EWCASTLE-ON-TYN E. Telegrams: “HUW0D, NEWCASTLE.” Telephone: 980 CENTRAL. LONDON : 05, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3. CARDIFF: 102, St. Mary Street MANCHESTER : Hive Works, Trafford Park. THE MOST PRIME MOVER EFFICIENT THE DE LAVAL STEAM TURBINE In hundreds of Collieries, under varying conditions, the De Laval Steam Turbine has proved its superiority over all other types of Prime Mover, not only in increased efficiency and working economy, but in higher grade manufacture, freedom from breakdown and repair expense. It is made in standard sizes from 3 to 600 h.p. Full details on receipt of enquiry. GREENWOOD & BATLEY LTD., ALBION WORKS, .... LEEDS.