484 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 6, 1918. Electric hauler Controller removed to show Reduction Gear. View of front end showing Drums and Brake Gear. BRITISH SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS EXHIBITION 1918 This Imoortant Exhibition will be held at Kind’s College, London, August 12— September 7, 1918 PATRON: H.M. THE KING President: Tile Most Hon. The Marquess of Crewe, k.g. Organized by The British Science Guild President : The Right Hon. LORD SYDENHAM, G S.C.I-. G C M G., G-C.I.E., G.B-E, F.R.S- Write at once for particulars to the Organizing Secretary, F. S. SPIERS, 82 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD., Dept. Gr, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Telegrams: “HUWOD, NEWCASTLE.” Telephone: 980 CENTRAL. LONDON : B5, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3. CARDIFF: 102, St. Mary Street. MANCHESTER : Hive Works, Trafford Park.