460 [supplement PAGE II.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 30, 1918. STEWARTS and LLOYDS, Ltd. 41, Oswald Street, - - ■ GLASGOW. Broad Street Chambers, - - BIRMINGHAM. Winchester House, Old Broad St., LONDON, E.C. 2. We have supplied HIGH PRESSURE MAIN STEAM PIPE INSTALLATIONS to many of the largest Collieries, Electric Power Stations, and other users. TUBULAR STEEL PIT PROPS Exceptionally strong and durable. Can be used repeatedly and have a high factor of safety. Wrought Iron and Steel Pipes for Hydraulic Stowing. Screwed and Coupled Tubes (Black and Galvanized) for Air, Steam, Water, &c. Tubular Steel Poles for Electric Lighting, Telegraph and Telephone. STEEL PLATES. Catalogues sent on application, STEEL CASTINGS.