420 [ SUPPLEMENT PAGE XVI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 23, 1918. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. /2< illott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” \JT Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tiaement fortnightly. Sole makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. For Sale.—One 45-kw. Electric Lighting SET, comprising vertical engine coupled to Siemens dynamo, 205 amps., 220 volts, 475/500 r.p.m. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. Direct and Alternating Current Motors, DYNAMOS and GENERATING SETS, also SWITCHGEAR, INSTRUMENTS, CABLES, etc. Largest stock of Genuine Second-hand in the kingdom. THE PHENIX ELECTRICAL CO., Specialists in New and Second-hand Electrical Plant for quick delivery. 30-36, Broomielaw, Glasgow. HUGH WOOD & GO. Ltd., Dept. G., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Add.: “Huwod,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel.: 980 Central, Newcastle-on-Tyne. HAVE AVAILABLE FOR EARLY DELIVERY :— AUXILIARY HAULAGE GEARS. ELECTBIO, COMPRESSED AIR, or STEAM- DRIVEN, 10- to 50-h.p. Also— One 10-ton Jeffrey Electric Trolley Standard > Gauge SHUNTING LOCOMOTIVE. One 12|-ton Jeffrey Electric Accumulator Standard Gauge SHUNTING LOCOMOTIVE. One Bj-ton’Jeffrey Electric Accumulator Narrow Gauge LOCOMOTIVE. One 2|-ton Jeffrey Electric Trolley Narrow Gauge LOCOMOTIVE. One Jeffrey BARREL STACKER, suitable for stacking barrels or loading into trucks or carts. Also— One Jeffrey SWING HAMMER PULVERISER, having a capacity of 60 tons of coal 1 in. to dust per hour. One Jeffrey SWING HAMMER PULVERISER, having a capacity of 2 tons per hour of Lime- stone, or similar material, £ in. to dust. HUGH WOOD & CO. Ltd. FOR SALE. 50 tons New 14 lb FLANGE RAILS, with Fishplates and Bolts and Nuts to suit. 200 tons New 14 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons New 16 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons New 18 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 50 tons Second-hand 16'18 lb. BRIDGE RAILS. 15,000 yards New 14 lb. PORTABLE RAILWAY, 24 in. gauge. 30 sets 14 lb. PORTABLE POINTS and CROSSINGS, 24 in.zgauge. 60 Mild Steel TURNTABLES, 24 in. gauge. 26 sets 14 lb. Portable POINTS and CROSSINGS, 30 in. gauge. 1,500 New. Steel SLEEPERS, for 30 in. gauge. 1,500 Second-hand Wood SLEEPERS, 6 ft. by 8 in. by 4 in. 1,500 Second-hand Wood SLEEPERS, 4 ft. 6 in. by 6 in. by 3 in. 6,000 cub. ft. Second-hand Railway Creosoted CROSSING TIMBERS. Enquiries promptly attended to. ' Specialists in the purchase and removal of Complete Plants and Works. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. Telephone—1991 Sheffield. Telegrams—" Ferric/’ Sheffield. FOR SALE. 3 in. by 36 in. All Geared Head Flat CAPSTAN LATHE, by Jones & Lamson. 3fc in. centres “LO-SWING” LATHE, on 8 ft. bed. Portable Screw-driven Column Type SLOTTING MACHINE, with circular motion to table, 4 ft. 6 in. stroke. No. 3 Four Spindle Acme Automatic SCREW MACHINE, for § in. bars Duplex Geared-driven SCREWING MACHINE, by Dron & Lawson, with dies up to 2J in., Whitworth thread. Motor-driven FACE MILLING MACHINE, by Hetherington & Co., with facing head 18 in. diam. Six-spindle DRILLING MACHINE, by Butler & Co., 1J in. spindles independent action. ’ Double-ended Tramway Wheel TURNING LATHE, by Craven Bros 3 ft. 4 in. plates’ Duplex Hori. BORING MACHINE, by Butler & Co., two unriffht standards 7 ft. high, 3J in. diam. spindles. upnsra CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THO«- W. WARD LIMITED, albion works, * Tel.—" Forward. Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. MA CH INER Ycontinued. rhe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. (Established 1888.) Telegrams—" Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). WANTED. LOCOMOTIVES, ready for immediate work, 4 or 6 wheels coupled. Name builder, age, price, and where to be seen. WAGONS, 10- or 12-tonners, 1 end and 2 side doors; also 8/10 tonners, low sides, for main line traffic. State age, builder, price, and where to be seen. WAGON SHEETING.—11 ft., 9 ft., and 7 ft. by 3 in.; lengths 6 ft., 9 ft., 11 ft., 12 ft., 14 ft., 17 ft., 18 ft., 19 ft., and 20 ft.; delivered Cardiff. WAGON FLOORING.-7|, also 7 ft. by 7 in. by 2J in.; delivered Cardiff. TAP CINDERS (Iron or Steel).—State quantity and price, f.o.t., naming station. FOR SALE. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity if taken “ as raised.” NEW STEEL RAILS. About 500 tons, principally 20 and 27| lb. per yard; also BRIDGE RAILS, 221b. per yard, and FLANGE RAILS, 30 lb., 351b. and 41Jlb. per yard; f.o.t. Cardiff. List on application. PLATFORM WAGONS.—11, good as new, 2 ft. gauge; now at Cardiff. JACKS.—8 Lifting and Traversing, 15/20 tonners ; now at Cardiff. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. FOR SALE. One 35 in. diameter Revolving Type SIROCCO FAN, capacity 31,000 cub. ft. at 2| in. w.g. For motor drive, but without motor. “ CAPELL ” FAN, single inlet, 15 ft. dia., 100,000 cub. ft. capacity. K/Aj'Vkw. Steam Generating Set, com- MV_/ prising a Beiliss triple expansion engine, coupled to an alternator by The Electric Construction Co., Wolverhampton, 3,000 volts, 50 periods, with Wheeler-Worthington independent surface condensing plant. Modern plant, in first-class condition, and for immediate deliver}’. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LIMITED, Staines. T?or Sale, about 60 tons of New Black V CORRUGATED STEEL SHEETS, in 6 ft., and 8 ft. lengths chiefly; all 8/3 in. wide by. 22 and 24 gauge. Also about 40 tons of NEW BLACK PLAIN STEEL SHEETS, chiefly about 5 ft. by 2 ft. 5 in. by 24 gauge. JONAS WILDSMITH, Queen’s-road, Barnsley. TjN>r Sale, Motor Generator, by G.E.C., 11 shunt-wound motor 500 volts, 225 amps., coupled to two series-wound boosters 110 volts, 6-pole machines, 650 r.p.m. WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London, S.E. 16. T?or Sale . 1/ VERTICAL COMPOUND CORLISS ENGINE, cylinders 12 in. and 22 in. by 3 ft. stroke, grooved wheels 12 in. diameter. Hick-Hargreaves, Bolton. Pressure 160 lb. HORIZONTAL CONDENSING ENGINE, cylinder 20 in. by 36 in. stroke. Wood, Sowerby Bridge. Pressure 85 lb. GAS ENGINE, horizontal, cylinder 10 in. by 20 in. stroke, by 150 r.p.m., complete with starter, also two flywheels and pulley fitted. Barkers & Co. Birmingham. ‘ All in excellent condition. Apply, THE PERFECTA SEAMLESS STEEL TUBE AND CONDUIT CO. LTD., Plume-street, Birmingham. T?or Sale. — One Powerful Horizontal r Belt-driven Twin AIR'COMPRESSOR, mounted on separate bed- plates, can be run singly or coupled together; capacity 985 cubic feet free air per minute. ... Five Excellent Horizontal Straight - line Steam - driven AIR COM- PRESSORS ; capacity 100, 250 and 285 cubic feet free air per minute. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. Two 250-kw. Beiliss Alternator Sets,’ each comprising a compound enclosed engine with E.C.C. alternator, 3,000 volts, 50 periods; quite modern, and for immediate delivery. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LIMITED, Staines. For Sale, (10) Marine Type Dry Back BOILERS, 13 ft. long by 11 ft. dia., 180 lb. pressure, 2,000 square feet heating surface, with fittings. Immediate delivery. — Box 680, DAWSONS, 121, Cannon-street, E.C. 4. FOR SALE BEFORE REMOVAL. One 225-kw. Generating Set, engine fitted with Corliss valve gear; generator by B.T.H. Coy., comp, wound, 500 volts; complete. Full particulars and price on application to— R. H. LONGBOTHAM & GO. LTD., Wakefield. FOR SALE? One “ SULZER” 3-stage HORIZONTAL MINING PUMP, 1,500 gals, per min., on 660 ft. vertical head, coupled direct to One 500-b h.p. Induction Motor, 3-phase, 50 cycles, 500 volts, with Westinghouse Starter; equal to new. Immediate delivery. One MOTOR, direct current, 130 volts, 200 amps., com- pound wound, belt-driven; in splendid condition. One STEAM-OPERATED GRAB, 30 cu. ft. capacity, dimensions, open 72 in., closed 54 in.; weight empty, 22 cwt.; weight with coal, 35 cwt. Never been used. Makers, Grafton, of Bedford. BOILERS, TANKS, CRANES, GIRDERS, RAILS AND PULLEYS. THOS. OXLEY LTD., Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD. Telephone—4630 (3 lines). Telegrams—“Ironical.” WANTED*—Steel Turnings, Shell Ends, Heavy Steel Scrap, Medium Turnings, Heavy Wrought, W.I. Pipes, C.I. Borings, Bundled Shearings and Bale Hoops, Light and Heavy Cast, Bundled Wire, Shafting, Mixed Borings and Turnings, any quantities. JOHN T. CORRY, PALMERSTON STREET, ANCOATS, MANCHESTER. Telephone, 6980 City. Telegram, “ Corry, Manchester.” New and n All G with all Second-hand I accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOODWIN <& CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. ------------------o--- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—" Locomotive.” New Locomotives In progress for early delivery. Cylinders,-10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 15 in., 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT &~~SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. MA OH INER Y-oontinued. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., WAKEFIELD. And at MILBURN HOUSE. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Address: °Engineer, Wakefield.” Tel.: 44 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster. HAVE FOR SALE: One Tandem COMPOUND ENGINE, 300-h.p., cylinders 12 in.-22 in. diam. by 2 ft. 6 in. stroke, with Corliss valve gear. CROSS COMPOUND HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 14 in. h.p. cyl., 22| in. l.p. cyl., 32 in. stroke, by Davey, Paxman & Co. One SURFACE CONDENSER, by J. & H. McLaren, capacity 3,000 lb. per hour, with circulating pump. One Ditto, by Willans & Robinson, complete with air and circulating pumps. One Ingersoll AIR COMPRESSOR, 12 in. steam by 14| in. air cyls, by 12 in. stroke; capacity 400 cub. ft. per min. Pair Self-contained HAULING ENGINES, 10 in. dia. cyls, by 18 in. stroke, geared 5| to 1, with drum and C pulley, &c. Two Pairs NEW 6 in. by 10 in. HAULING ENGINES, two drums 2 ft. dia. and 1 ft. 2 in. wide ; complete with brake and clutch gear. Pair WINDING ENGINES, without drum, 22 in. cyls, by 4 ft. stroke. Pair WINDING ENGINES, 22 in. cyls., 4 ft. stroke, link- reversing gear, 2 drums, crankshaft 10 in. dia., &c. Pair Ditto, 16 in. dia. x 36 in. stroke, with drum 9 ft. dia. Makers, Swift Bros. C.I. BRICKING SEGMENTS for 16 ft. to 18 ft. pit. Two WEIR PUMPS, capacity 1,500 gals, per hour, 5 in. steam cylinder, 3£ in. water eyl. Please note R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd. always have in stock, plant of every description for collieries, iron and steel works, contractors, &c., and are pleased to tender for purchase of plant. K OO’kw- Steam Generating Set, triple M\7v/ expansion engine, coupled to Westinghouse multipolar generator, 480/550 volts, d.c.; for prompt delivery. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LIMITED, Staines. FOR SALE. Mavor & Coulson “ Pick-Quick ” Com- - pressed Air Longwall BAR COAL CUTTER, medium size, with haulage, bars, and fender complete. In absolutely new condition, and ready to start immediately.—Box 7123, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. T?or Sale, at Llanberis, a pair of 9 in. J- “ Uskside ” double drum HAULING ENGINES, steel helical spur,, dia. of drums 5£ ft. and 12 in. deep, 14 in. stroke.—Apply to THE UPPER GLYNRHONWY SLATE CO. LTD., Llanberis, North Wales. FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND MACHINE TOOLS. Heavy Facing and Boring Lathe, by Buckton, 7 ft. geared faceplate, massive headstock. Herbert No. 4 Automatic LATHE, with pump and accessories. 5 ft. Radial Arm DRILLING MACHINE, 2 in. balanced spindle, slotted bedplate. De Bergue Double-ended PUNCHING and SHEARING MACHINE,, with side shears for | in. plate. Cold Iron SAWING MACHINE, with double head for two saws. Strong Single-ended PUNCHING and SHEARING MACHINE, with pulleys. Further particulars and price - J. T. WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Railway Station, London, S.E. 16. For Sale, several Hydraulic Presses, PUMPS, PUMPING ENGINES, ACCUMULATORS, &c. Par- ticulars and price from— WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London, S.E. 16. T7or Sale, 130-h.p. 6-pole Motor, by 1 G.E.C., 500 volts, 225 amps., 650 r.p.m.; seen fixed. Immediate delivery. WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London, S.E. 16. T7or Sale or Hire, (2) Loco-type Boilers, 1 ’ 50-n.h.n., 150 lb. pressure, and a 20-n.h.p., 100 lb. pressure, with fittings. Immediate delivery. WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London, S.E. 16. Tpor Sale.—High Class Steam Boilers T LANCASHIRE, 30 ft. by 8 ft. 6 in. dia., for 160 lb. 30 ft. by 8 ft. 30 ft. by 8 ft. 6 in. 30 ft. by 9 ft. 28 ft. by 8 ft. 28 ft. by 8 ft. 28 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in. 24 ft. by 7 ft. 28 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. by 5 ft. 6 in. 18 ft. by 5 ft. „ 160 lb. „ 120 lb. „ 100 lb. „ 160 lb. „ 100 lb. „ 120 lb. „ 120 lb. „ 160 lb. „ 100 lb. .. 90 lb. CORNISH ,, IO IL. Uy IL. ,, ,, 'TJ ID. RATCLIFFE & SONS, Hawarden Iron Works, Chester. COUNTY BOROUGH OF SALFORD. The Electricity Department have for Sale two 1,000-kilowatt direct current TURBO-GENERATORS, Willans disc and drum type, coupled to Siemens machines, voltage 440/490. Rated output 1,000 kilowatts with 160 pounds steam pressure. The sets are in regular commission, practically new, and can be seen, in operation by appointment. Full particulars from the Borough. Electrical Engineer,. Electricity Works, Frederick-road, Salford. Tenders are invited by 12 noon, Monday, September 2nd, 1918. L. C. EVANS, Town Clerk. AUCTION SALES. BURRY PORT. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Messrs. James & James, F.A.I., are INSTRUCTED by the Owner to OFFER for SALE, by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Hotel Metropole, Wind-street, Swansea, on TUESDAY, September 3rd, 1918, one of the finest WORKS SITE in South Wales, comprising— 25 ACRES or thereabouts of FREEHOLD LAND, situate adjoining the Great Western and the Gwendraeth Valley Railways! at BURRY PORT, and contiguous to the Elliot Metal Extraction Corn* pany’s Works and the Railway Station, with the nearer end abutting upon a railway siding and the far end adjoining the beach, affording facilities for the erection of a jetty, should that be found advantageous. The whole Site will first of all be offered together in one lot, and, if not sold in that way, then in three separate lots, for details of which see Posters. Also, as Lot 4, the eight-roomed Leasehold Dwelling House, No. 7, Burrows Terrace, Burry Port, let at 6s. 6d. per week. Sale at 3.30 p.m. promptly. For further particulars and conditions of Sale, apply to the AUCTIONEERS, 7, Goat-street, Swansea, or to Messrs. T. W_ JAMES & CO., Solicitors, 24, Goat-street, Swansea. *** For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges see Page 392 (Leader Page). PmUd ui Published by the Propaetaan, Tu Ceixmi Gvabman Company Luutrd, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Friday, August 23. 1318.