August 23, 1918. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 395 Curren it quotations. Current L’st week’s Last year’s prices. prices. prices. BestCumberl’nd coal at pit 28/4 28'4 23/4 Eest washed nuts at pit... 26/8 26/8 25/10 21/3 Seconds at pit 25/10 20/10 Washed nuts at pit 25/10 25/10 20/10 Do. smalls „ 21/8 21/8 16/8 Do. peas „ 20/ 20/ 15/ Buckhill best coal at pit... Do. double-scrned 27/6 27/6 22/6 washed nuts at pit Oughterside best coal at 26/ 26/ 21/ pit Oughterside best washed 27,6 • 27/6 22/6 nuts at pit St. Helens (Siddick) best 26/ 26/ 21/ coal at pit St. Helens best house nuts 27/6 27/6 22/6 at pit 26/- 26/ 21/ BestCumberl’nd coal, f.o.b. 23/ 23/ 19/6 Best washed nuts, f.o.b. ... 21/ 21/ 17/6 Best bunkers (coastwise) Do. (for foreign-going 33/6 33/6 25/ steamers) 36/ 36/ 30/ Best works fuel 25/ 25/ , 20/ Best coal for gasworks ... Best washed nuts for gas- 25/ 25/ 20/ works 24/ 24/ 19/ to have stocks worth mentioning, and although a certain quantity of Durham gas coal is coming to works in York- shire, it is only in exceptional cases that any accumulation can be made. In regard to manufacturing sorts, the difficulty again is one of supplies, as nothing can be secured in the open market, and practically the whole available output of nuts is earmarked for essential industries. It is understood that representations have been made by several industries likely to be affected by the rationing scheme, and that consideration of these has delayed its issue. The demand for furnace coke is as heavy as ever, and strenuous effort is made to maintain the output, both house and steam nuts as well as large coal being used to eke out the inadequate supply of coking slacks. Pit prices are nominal. Current pit prices. steam coal from this district. The coke market is strong, an active demand being experienced for all qualities. Coking fuel is scarce, and difficulty is found in obtaining sufficient supplies to keep all the ovens at work. IRON. The works of the district are in a state of great activity, every branch of the iron trade being heavily engaged upon Government orders. _______________ Nottingham. COAL. _______________ South-West Lancashire. COAL. The condition in the coal trade here differs very little from previous reports. Supplies certainly are slowly improving over the outturn of July, when the absentee list got so high, mainly in consequence of influenza. In all avenues of distribution the demand is greater than the available tonnage. With regard to shipping, the tips are kept as busy as supplies of coal permit. Unfortunately, these supplies show little or no improvement, and continue very distinctly inadequate. Admiralty requirements tend to increase, and in other directions the demand for steam coal is fully maintained—the short supplies naturally causing a good deal of trouble. In gas fuel efforts are being made by the gas companies to get in a reasonable stock before the shorter days commence, but it is extremely difficult to procure deliveries in excess of present low consumption. W ith regard to slacks and small fuels gener- ally, the holidays in the consuming towns enable some tonnage to be diverted to works in urgent need, either for present use or to get a necessary stock. Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). House coal:— Current- L’st week’s’Last year’s Prices at pit (London) : prices. prices. 1 prices. Haigh Moor selected ... 25/6-26/6 25'6-26/6 ' 20/ -21/ Wallsend & London best 25/ -25/6 25/ -25/6 i 19/ -20/ Silkstone best 25/ -25/6 24/ -24'6 22 6-23/6 25/ -25'6 1 19/ -20/ Do. house 24/ -24'6 22'6-23/6 i 17/ -18/ i 16/ -17/ House nuts Prices f.o.b. Hull:— Haigh Moor best 29/6-30/ 28/ -29/ 27/ -28,' 24/6-26/6 29/6-30/ 28/ -29/ 23/ -24/ I 22/ -23/ 20/ -21/ Silkstone best Do. house 27/ -28/ 24/6-26/6 Other qualities 19/ -20/ Gas coal:— Prices at pit : Screened gas coal 22/ -22/6 21/ -22/ 22/ -22/6 , 21/ -22/ 16/ -17/ Gas nuts 15/6-16/6 Unscreened gas coal ... Other sorts:— 20/6-21/6 20/6-21/6 15/ -16/ Pi ices at pit: Washed nuts 22/6-23/6 22/6-23/6 17/ -18/ Large double-screened engine nuts 21/6-22/6 21/6-22/6 16/ -17/ Small nuts 20/6-21/6 20,6-21/6 15/ -16/ Rough unscreened engine coal 20/6-21/6 19/6-20/6 17/6-18/6 18/ -19/ 20/6-21/6 19/6-20/6 17/6-18/6 18/ -19/ 15/ -16/ 14/ -15/ Bost rough slacks Small do. 12/ -13/ Coking smalls 12'6-13/6 Coke:— Price at ovens Furnace coke 32/ 32/ 25/8 At most of the pits in this county there is a rather better attendance than of late, and the output is main- tained at a reasonable standard. The distribution of household fuel is well regulated, but the supply to this district does not permit either merchants or householders to get much stock in hand, and the utmost economy is necessary to avoid a serious shortage later on. This fact is being realised by the public. Steam-producing fuel of all grades is in very keen request, and the output of the collieries is inadequate to the general demand, many con- tracts being in arrears. Ordinary manufacturing firms have a difficulty to obtain anything like full working supplies, and slacks of every description are eagerly sought for. Prices at pithead :— Hand-picked brights ..... Good house coals......... Secondary do............. Best hard coals...__...... Secondary do .......__.... Slacks (best hards)...... Do. (second) .......... Do. (soft)........._____ Current prices. 25/ -26/ 24/ -25/ 22/6-23/6 22/ -23/ 21/ -2L/6 18/ -19/ 16/6-17/6 16/ -17/ L’st week’s orices. 25/—26/ 24/ -25/ 22/6-23/6 22/ -23 21/ -21'6 18/ -19/ 16/6-17/6 16/ -17/ Last year’s prices. 18/6-19,’6 18/ -18/6 17/ -18/ 16 9-17/6 16/ -16,6 12/ -13/ 10/6-11/6 11/ ! Current prices. ................ 27/6-28/6 29/ -30/ uxwuiuui .............. 25/6-26/6 Do. (f.o.b. Gacston, net) Kitchen ................ Com. (f.o.b. Garston,net) Screened forge coal...... Best scrnd. steam coal f.o.b. 28/6-29/ 24/6 27/ -28/ 24/ __* Best slack ........... Secondary slack ...... Common do............. L’st week’s Last year’s prices. prices. 27/6-28/6 21/ -22/ 29/ —30/ 25/6 25'6-26/6 19/ -20/ 28/6-29/ 24/6 24/6 18/ 27/ -28/ 23/ upwds 24/6 18/ * —t 22/6 16/ 21/6 15/ 20/6 14/ * New schedule, f As per official list. ______________ Soqth Lancashire and Cheshire. COAL. Barnsley. COAL. At the timt of writing a strike throughout Yorkshire seems to be unavoidable. The miners’ officials are strengthened in their attitude by the fact that a number of small pits, chiefly in the West Riding, have accepted their interpretatien of the award. Many complaints are heard of the abnormal degree of absenteeism. The output of practically every class of coal is very heavily below the demand. The district collieries are still feeling the exces- sive pressure upon them for supplies of steams to fulfil the requirements of the Admiralty and also for Italy and France. Home requirements have necessarily largely to be disregarded in order that the preferential needs may be provided. The consumption of large steams for home purposes is of a very extensive character, and the railway companies are finding it to be impossible to procure any- thing like their ordinary deliveries. A heavy pressure exists for all descriptions ef screened coal, but this cannot be met. The necessity for larger deliveries of slacks for coke-making purposes is constantly urged by the authorities, but it is impossible to find the requisite tonnage. The constant demands for larger house-coal supplies are also unavailing. Prices at pit. __________ Leicestershire. COAL. The dislocation of business has been great. A good many complaints are being made that privately owned wagons from London and district go astray for months before they can be traced. The output is fairly maintained, considering the number of men stdl absent owing to sickness, and strong efforts are being made to increase the deliveries on French account. Very great pressure is experienced to enforce the preference for London and district, and deliveries must be maintained at the official minimum. This result is that the quantity available for these districts is greatly reduced. Deliveries for the south and west of England are still curtailed. Merchants in large towns and in the country generally are crying out for larger supplies in preparation for the autumn, but the deliveries are more uncertain than ever. Household, cobbles, large and small nuts, and small fuel for steam raising purposes, are in heavy demand. There are no reserves at collieries or country sidings. ...... Prices at pit. Current There was a moderate attendance on the Manchester Coal Exchange on Tuesday. There is no change in the market— all qualities of fuel being short of the demand and difficult to buy. There continues to be a steady demand for coal for shipment. Prices generally are as under:— Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). House coal:— Best ............... Medium.............. Common.............. Furnace coal.......... Bunker (f.o.b. Partington) Best slack ........... Common slack ......... Current prices. 28/6 26/ -27/ 24/6-25/ 24/ -24/6 22/6upwds 21/ upwds L’st week’s prices. 28/6 26/ -27/ 24/6-25/ 24/ -24/6 22/6upwds 21/ upwds Last year’s prices. 22/ -23/ 19/6-21/ 18/ -18/6 17/6-18/ __* 16/ upwds 14/6 upwds Current L’st week’s Last year’s House coals:— prices. 27/ -28'6 prices. prices. Best Silkstono 27/ -28/6 20/ -22/ Best Barnsley softs 25/ -25/9 25/ -25/6 18/6-19/ Secondary do 23/ -24/ 23/ -24/ 17/ -17/6 Best house nuts 22/6-23/6 22/6-23/6 16/ -17/ Secondary do 22/ -22/6 22/ -22/6 15/6-16/ __________________ Steam coals:— Best hard coals 24/ -25/ 24/ -25/ 17/6-18/6 Secondary do 23/ -24/ 23/ -24/ 16/6-17/6 Best washed nuts 22/6-23/6 22/6-23/6 16/3-16/6 Secondary do 21/ -22/6 22/ -22/6 15/6-16/3 Best slack 19/ -19/9 19/ -19/9 12/6-13/ Secondary do 16/ -17/6 16/ -17/6 10/6-11/ Gas coals:— Screened gas coals 23/ -23/6 23/ -23/6 22/ -22/6 16/6-17/ Unscreened do 22/ -22)6 15/6-16/ Gas nuts 22/ 22/ 16/ Furnace coke 32/ 32/ 25/8 Best household coal ..... Second, hand picked ..... Deep screened cobbles ... Deep large nuts ......... Bakers’ nuts............. Small nuts............... Deep breeze ............. Peas .................... Small dust .............. Main nuts for London kitcheners............... Steams, best hand picked Steams, seconds ....__.... Main cobbles for kitcheners' Main breeze............I prices. 23/ -24/6 22/ -/23 21/6-22/6 21/6-22/6 20/6-21/6 20/ -21/ 19/ -20/ 18/6-18/9 12/6-13/6 19/ -20/6 19/6-20/6 18/6-20/ 19/ -20/6 18/9-19/6 L’st week’s prices. 23/ -24/6 22/ -23/ 21/6-22/6 21/6-22/6 20/6-21/6 20/ -21/ 19/ -20/ 18/6-18/9 12/6 -13/6 Last year’s prices. 16/6-18/ 15/6-16/6 16/ -17/ 16/ -16'6 15/ -15/6 14/6-15/ ‘ 12/9—13/6 12/ -12/3 6/ - 7/ Lydney. 19/ -20/6 19/6-20/6 18/6-20/ 19/ -20/6 18/9-19/6 13/6-14/ 14/ -14/6 13/ -13/6 13/6-14/ 12/6-13/6 Forest of Dean. COAL. * As per official list. IRON. All works have been fully employed. There is no change in prices to report. The question of fuel for works is causing great anxiety to works managers. It is only by diverting coal from holiday centres that large works have been enabled te keep going during the last few weeks. When the local holidays are over and the shortage of fuel becomes very acute, serious trouble will arise, and certain works will have to slow down or stop altogether. Reports from the various house-coal producing pits in this coalfield show that the demand is in much the same satisfactory condition as chronicled for some time past. The output is totally inadequate to meet requirements. The pits are all working the full six days each week. All the steam coal collieries are experiencing a big enquiry. The enormous amount of preferential claims for supplies is leaving very little fuel available for distribution in other directions. Prices at pithead. ________ ________ Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Leeds. COAL. There was less than the usual attendance on the Coal Exchange on Tuesday, when the gravity of the situation, in regard to the shortage of coal and the imminent danger of a stoppage of the pits, occupied the attention to the exclusion of business matters of an ordinary kind. In other respects there is little or no change in the general situation. The scarcity of coal remains very great, and there are no stocks either in colliery sidings or anywhere else. So far as house coal is concerned, full allocated quantities are being sent to London and district, but the demand locally is so great, in relation to the reduced output, that there is extreme difficulty in securing any- thing in addition to these official allocations. In the West Riding some merchants who are many weeks behind with their orders, are sending coal out only to urgent cases. The rush of orders with which merchants are inundated is evidence that the public is realising the seriousness of the situation. Supplies of gas coal are no more than enough to keep the works supplied, and there is a growing anxiety among engineers. Very few indeed are fortunate enough Hull. COAL. Supplies are coming along better, and shipment is pro- ceeding freely, though delays have not been entirely removed. The scarcity of fuel is very great, and with no stocks at the ports to work upon, the position is anything but a stable one. Large steams are taken up in consider- able quantities for the Admiralty and for home con- sumption. No margin for neutral trade as yet appears in sight. French demands are more insistent than ever, particularly for screened West Yorkshires. Nuts and all small coal are fully absorbed for munition works. Prices are without change. Shipments generally are good. Chesterfield. COAL. The pressure for coal of all classes is greater than ever, while the supply shows no improvement. Orders for house coal are pouring in, and householders are importunate in their request for prompt execution of these. In many cases merchants require at least a month in which to make delivery. It is not only short supplies which cause delay, but the carting difficulty has also to be taken into account. Large consumers of the various classes of steam coal are in urgent need of supplies, and some of the steel makers of the Sheffield district are occasionally compelled to stop some of their furnaces pending the arrival of fuel. The scarcity is felt chiefly in respect of cobbles and nuts for gas-producers. Slack for steam-raising purposes is also difficult to obtain. Gas coal is in pressing request on account of current consumption and for the purpose of replenishing depleted stocks. This applies equally to steam coal for locomotive use, of which there is now a serious shortage. There is no change in the position of the export trade so far as Derbyshire is concerned. The Admiralty continue to draw pretty substantial supplies of House coals Block Forest Rubble Nuts Rough slack .......__ Steam coal.— Large .. __............. Small ... ............_____ Large ... Current L’st week’s Last year’s prices. I prices. prices. ( 24/ 30/ ; 30/ \ 23/ J 23/3 (.21/6 21/ ' 23/ 13,6 26/6-27/6 26/6-27/6 20/ -21/ 22/ -23/ i 22/ -23/ 16/ -17/ Prices 2s. extra f.o.b. Lydney or Sharpness. ________ ________ Devon, Cornwall, and South Coast. Plymouth. ' COAL., Messrs. W. Wade and Son report that supplies of house, steam and gas coal, especially the former, have been coming forward very badly during the past three weeks. Seldom during the war has there been such difficulty in obtaining supplies. In some country places the merchants are run out of coal, while in the larger towns of this district the stocks are expected to be depleted this week if no further supplies are obtainable. In one case a large military contractor is reduced to his last 50 tons of house coal, while holding requisitions for hundreds of tons. Appeals are being made to the Coal Controller. __________________________ It was arranged to hold a meeting of the former members of the English Coal Conciliation Board in Southport to- day, to consider the question of resuscitation of the Board.