August 16, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page XIII. 365 MUNITIONS. URGENTLY REQUIRES Telegrams: “SOHO, SHEFFIELD.” Codes—5th Edition, Scotts. Telephone: 3974 Central. DENTON BROS. (Sheffield) Ltd., ^NORFOLK STREET, SHEFFIELD. 'PHONE: No., 830 & 833 (three lines). TELEGRAMS: ‘ STABILITY,SHEFFIELD: IRON, STEEL,BURNT METAL, TURNINGS, AND ANY OBSOLETE PLANT. GRANTED TO ROBERT RAMSDEN, 179 1. PEPPERCORN ^T* BRAND. “PEPPERCORN” SUPERIOR HIGH SPEED STEEL. MANUFACTURERS OF CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL MININGSTEELS A SPECIALITY. “DANTON” BRAND RAPID AND SEMLRAPID for Twist Drills, Reamers, &c., &c. SOHO STEEL WORKS, Soho Street, SHEFFIELD. Office and Warehouse-7 to 11, CEMETERY ROAD, London Offioe-1, BROAD STREET PLACE, E.O. 2. SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS EWART’S TYPE CHAINS Davis’s Cranked Dial. Theodolites Barometers Levels. etc. DAVIS’S IMPROVED HEDLEY DIAL WITH CRANKED LIMB, ENABLING SIGHTS TO BE TAKEN TO ANY DEGREE FROM LEVEL TO 90 DEGS. UP OR DOWN. Davis’s Surveying Instruments are used in the majority of Mines in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and other parts of the World. PLOTTING INSTRUMENTS for Railways, Mining Engineering, and Field work. SEZND FOR LIST No. 41/1 JHL. For COLLIERIES and MINES, &c. Sprocket Wheels. Elevator Buckets. JOHN DAVIS & SON fnarlllri I Tn ALL SAIHTS WORKS, DERBY; (Uwl U Jf J Is 1 U ■ , * 17. Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. Telegrams—** Davis, Derby.’* Telephone—240 Derby. GEO. W. KING Ltd., J Stratford, LONDON, E. 15. 5 Telegrams—** Agrikinger, London.” Telephone—18 and 662 Stratford. i