August 9, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE IX.] 309 GEORGE BENNETT r CO. SPECIAL BRANDS. (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED. High Grade Crucible CAST STEELS TOOLS MAGNET STEEL TRADE by j MARKS MS B HARD HIGH=SPEED STEELS TOOL STEEL SPECIALISTS. Special Chrome Wortle Steel Wire Drawers’ Plates with or for Wire Drawers’ Plates. without Shank made in all sizes. Self-Hard Steel Works, SHEFFIELD, Eng. Telegraphic Address: “FAMOUS, SHEFFIELD.” Established 1879. National Tel.: No. 1449 & 481. We are Specialists in Belting fl Give us particulars of any drive and we will advise you the most suitable Belt. fl By adopting our method of Power Transmission your output will be con- siderably increased. Take advantage of our 84 Years’ Experience. Send for our ** H Dept. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue. John Tullis & Son Ltd., BELTING SPECIALISTS, St. Ann’s Works, Glasgow.