254 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE VIII.] August 2, 1918. PERFECT-GAS TIGHT- RING 'es. W'o/e'-'ft ST JOHN’S WORKS, DDATWADD WAKEFIELD ROAD, DnAUf UivU TYNOS. “Bitromarc” Solution A highly efficient Bituminous, Anti- Corrosive Black Enamel Paint for Iron and Steel Structures, Corrugated Iron, Ships* Holds, Bunkers, &c. SOLE PROPRIETORS a S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, Tynos Works, SCOTSWOOD-ON-TYNE. Tel. No.: 65 Central Tel. Addrosa : “ Com'po, ScoUwood.” ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makers o± DTD. ■COLLIERY AIR PIPES and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“Allbn, Lower Gornal.’’ Telephone—2106 Dudley. F J.B. TREASURE O-C9, IflUGE VflUXKflLL R° .LIVERPOOL GAUGE GLASS WA5HER5 f LUBRKflTORSnc " U5T5 OM 0PPlH7rr/M. MISSES Telegrams : “ SOHO, SHEFFIELD.” Codes—A.B.C., 5th Edition, Scotts. Telephone: 3974 Central. DENTON BROS. (Sheffield) Ltd., / t GRANTED TO ROBERT RAMSDEN. 17 9 1 PEPPERCORN 'ijp BRAND. “PEPPERCORN” SUPERIOR HIGH SPEED STEEL. MANUFACTURERS OF CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL forPau'Ues. MIIMIIMGSTEE I_S A SPECIALITY. “DANTON” BRAND RAPID AND SEMI-RAPID for Twist Drills, Reamers, &c., &c. SOHO STEEL WORKS, Soho Street, SHEFFIELD. Office and Warehouse—7 to 11, CEMETERY ROAD. London Off ice—1, BROAD STREET PLACE, E.C. 2. SANKEY METAL PRESSINGS & STAMPINGS WE have special facilities for turning out combinations of stamped or hydraulically pressed, rivetted and welded work of all descriptions, with or without machining, of any thick- ness from 20 gauge sheets to plates, in steel or other material. Joseph Sankey & Sons Ltd., Wellington, Shropshire.