July 5, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 23 coal during this period the Controller may by notice apply the restrictions set out in the next succeeding clause. Except during the months from November 1 to April 30 in any year, coal shall not be delivered to any consumer in any month in excess of one-ninth of the full year’s allowance under the requisition or certifi- cate or one ton where such quantity is less than one ton unless the registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer has completed all orders under requisitions or certificates accepted by him up to this extent for such month, or unless the delivery of a larger quan- tity has been required by the local fuel overseer by notice in writing sent to each registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer. Except that when coal is carted loose the minimum quantity shall be the usual load for the district but not exceeding 30 cwt. Coal shall not during these months be delivered in execution of any order where the available stock in the possession of the consumer is in excess of one-ninth of the full year’s allowance under the requisition applicable thereto as long as any orders remain un- executed where the available stock in the possession of any other consumer is less than such quantity. The Controller may determine such priorities in the delivery of coal in quantities exceeding 1 cwt. at one time either in respect of certain classes of con- sumers or in respect of certain classes of build- ings as he may think fit in the public interest, and may make rules accordingly. Every registered coal merchant shall be required to hold such minimum stock of coal at each of his depots and for such period of time as may be required by the local fuel overseer with the approval of the local fuel and lighting committee or by the Controller, and if at any time within such period he shall not hold stock in excess of such minimum stock, then he shall not sell or deliver any coal except (a) to a consumer in such quantity as may be determined by the local fuel overseer, as the maximum to be sold at one time or in respect of one purchase or transaction, (b) to a licensed coal dealer for re-sale to consumers on similar conditions, or (c) to such persons and in such quanti- ties by the express direction of the local fuel overseer or the Controller, until such time as he again holds stocks in excess of such minimum. With the assent of the local fuel overseer the regis- tered coal merchants may establish a common stock on behalf of them all or of some of them, and may agree the terms and conditions to be applied to the pro- vision and use of such stock. In an emergency the local fuel overseer may require stocks to be pooled, but not so as to prejudice the trade of any one merchant, and may determine subject to appeal to the local fuel and lighting committee or to the Controller the terms and conditions under which such pooling shall take place. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer shall make such returns and reports to the local fuel overseer or the Controller as the Controller may from time to time direct, and it shall be an offence under the Order to fail to make such returns. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer shall make such deliveries as the local fuel overseer may direct, and shall observe any directions and instruc- tions of the local fuel overseer, under the terms of the Order, and it shall be an offence to refuse or fail to make such deliveries without reasonable cause. In addition to the powers conferred on the local fuel overseer relating to deliveries, the local fuel overseer may nominate, with the assent of the coal merchants’ supervisor or the local fuel and lighting committee, a coal merchant or dealer for his district or any part thereof, who shall undertake the delivery of any supply of coal in an emergency when other and more regular arrangements cannot be made. A registered coal merchant or a licensed coal dealer shall not knowingly sell, supply or deliver coal to a consumer in quantities of 1 cwt. or less when such con- sumer is obtaining supplies under a requisition, whether accepted by him or by another merchant or dealer. Further, a registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer may require a consumer attempting to acquire coal in quantities of 1 cwt. or less to declare the stock in his possession, and where such stock exceeds 10 cwt. shall refuse to supply or deliver coal to such consumer in such quantities. The local fuel overseer may with the approval of the local fuel and lighting committee determine the stocks to be held by licensed coal dealers so as to ensure their continuance in business at all times, but in exercising this power regard shall be had to the circumstances and ability of the licensed coal dealer to make and hold such stock, and in no case shall such stock exceed 50 tons without the licensed coal dealer’s assent. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer selling, supplying or delivering coal by the truck to a private consumer must give previous notice thereof to the local fuel overseer of the district to which the coal is to be forwarded, and such notice shall give full particulars as to name and address of the person to be supplied, the premises in respect of which the supply is made, and the extent of the supply. Within the period from October 1 to April 30 in any year, the local fuel overseer may in his discretion refuse to permit such supply to be made by the truck in any case and within the period from May 1 to Sep- tember 30 in any year in any case in which there has not been a previous practice for coal to be so supplied. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer or anyone acting in their behalf shall neither adver- tise nor tout or canvass for customers or orders, except to such extent as may be permitted by the local fuel overseer or the Controller. It shall be an offence under the Order, unless previously asked so to do by a consumer, to send a form of application to such consumer if he shall not have been supplied with coal previously by such merchant or dealer sending out such form of application, or to use the forms supplied by the local fuel overseer or by the Controller for the furtherance of his trade, except in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Order. This clause shall not have effect with regard to existing advertisements so long as no renewed or extended arrangement is entered into, nor shall it have any effect with regard to signs or notices on an office or shop or wharf or depot belonging to or in the occupation of such merchant or dealer for the pur- poses of his business of trading in coal or on any vehicle or other equipment used by him for the pur- poses of his business, nor shall it have any effect in relation to notices of prices to be charged for coal or to notices relating to any of the provisions of the Order. The duties of undertakers of gas and electricity sup- plies are also given in detail. The Sale of Coal. The local fuel and lighting committee, with the approval of the Controller, may from time to time determine the maximum prices of coal to consumers, but in determining such maximum prices only the independent members of the committee shall vote upon any question coming up for decision. In determining the maximum prices of coal to con- sumers the following principles shall apply: (a) coal shall be divided into classes or qualities, which shall, as far as possible, follow the usual custom or practice of the trade, and coal shall only be sold or dealt in in accordance with the classes or qualities so estab- lished unless the Controller shall require the coal to be mixed or sold in a particular way, in which case the prices shall relate to the coal as sold under such requirement. Where coal is sold under a registered or trade name such name may only be added, in brackets, after the description of the class or quality; (b) separate prices shall be fixed for sales in quanti- ties of 4 cwt. and over, and in quantities less than 4 cwt. Separate prices may also be fixed for sales in quantities less than 1 ton, but exceeding 4 cwt.; (c) separate prices shall be fixed to accord with the condi- tions and circumstances attaching to the sale or delivery of coal. The local fuel and lighting committee shall observe any directions of the Controller in determining the maximum prices of coal. Where coal is sold for resale, the maximum prices of such coal at every stage shall be determined under the Order in so far as they are not already determined by the Wholesale Coal Prices Order, 1917. Coal shall not be sold to, or purchased by, consumers at prices exceeding the maxima so determined, nor shall any charges be made or paid by any person under any pretext for special services rendered to consumers where such services have been brought into reckoning in determining the maximum prices. When coal is delivered in restricted quantities, in consequence of any of the provisions of the Order, such coal shall be charged and paid for at the appro- priate price as for the quantity delivered, and shall not, unless the consumer so desires, be deemed to be a part delivery in fulfilment of any then outstanding order for a larger quantity. Every sale of coal to which the provisions of the Order apply shall be by weight, except that coke may be sold by measure in quantities of 1 cwt. or less, where such has been the previous practice, with the assent of the local fuel and lighting committee. No conditions involving the purchase of any other article or any other payments than those permitted under the Order shall attach to a sale of coal. Where by reason of special circumstances attaching to any delivery or supply of coal the merchant or dealer is of opinion that the cost of such delivery or supply war- rants an additional charge, he may apply to the local fuel and lighting committee to have an additional charge per ton or per cwt. determined in respect of such delivery. Maximum prices of coke to consumers shall be fixed in relation to the maximum prices for coal, and the Order shall extend to the fixing of maximum prices for coke at all stages from the point of manufacture to the point of consumption. A notice in a form to be approved by the Controller of the maximum prices approved for any district or such less prices as may be charged shall be exhibited and kept exhibited in a conspicuous position in all offices or other places at which orders for the sale or delivery of coal are received and at the local fuel over- seer’s offices. The charging of prices in accordance with such notice shall be conclusive evidence that such charging of prices is approved and that the prices charged are correct. Subject to any by-law of any local authority no person being the owner of or employed in connection with or in charge of a vehicle offering for sale coal in quantities not exceeding 2 cwt. in such vehicle shall sell or offer for sale such coal unless there shall be affixed on prominent and conspicuous parts of such vehicle so as to be visible on both sides thereof, metal tablets on which shall be clearly marked in a permanent and legible manner the price per cwt. at which the coal is offered for sale, and such person shall not alter, deface, remove or exchange such figure or figures except at the place of loading or at the office of his employer; and no person in charge of a vehicle to which is affixed a metal tablet as above shall on a sale of any such coal charge to the purchaser any price greater than that marked on the said metal tablet. Provided always that coal of one class or quality only shall be sold upon such a vehicle except with the previous assent of the local fuel overseer, which assent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any coal to be supplied under an order under a requisition or certificate in respect thereof shall be paid for on or before delivery if the registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer so require, and it shall be no cause of complaint that coal cannot be obtained where it is not shown that payment has been tendered on or before delivery if so required. Any person selling or dealing in coal may be required to produce evidence to show that the coal which he is selling or dealing in is of a class or quality entitling him to charge the prices which he is demanding and for this purpose shall, on the request of a local fuel overseer, coal merchants’ supervisor or other authorised representative of the Controller, or on the request of the purchaser, produce a sale ticket or loading ticket, or must produce the invoice relating to the purchase of coal by him from the colliery or factor. A purchaser of coal may require the seller to pro- duce evidence as to the correctness of the charges made by him in accordance with the Order. A local fuel overseer, coal merchants’ supervisor or any authorised representative of the Controller may require any person selling or dealing in coal to satisfy him as to the correctness of the prices exhibited by such person, or as to the prices charged or proposed to be charged for any supply or delivery, or as to the quantity of coal contained in any bag or other receptacle or load being offered for sale or being delivered. Enforcement and Penalties. The Controller may confer upon every local fuel and lighting committee appointed under the Order, subject to such approval as he may direct, the power of enforcing within its district the Order and all rules and instructions made or to be made by the Controller under the powers conferred upon him by this Order, and the Controller shall in that event authorise every local fuel and lighting committee and such officers and other persons as it may designate or appoint for the purpose to prosecute any summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations occasioned by any breach of the Order or of any rule or instruction the power of enforcing which is con- ferred on the committee. The Controller may also undertake prosecutions on his own acount , con- currently with any local fuel and lighting committee, and may designate officers to carry out this work on his behalf. Any failure or neglect on the part of any person to observe or onform to the terms and pro- vision of the Order is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Where a consumer shall have taken more gas or electricity in any quarter than the quantity allowed under the Order, the local fuel overseer may cancel the certificate of such consumer and issue new certifi- cates for such less quantity of coal or coke as may then be due to such consumer. Where the consumer has obtained all the coal or coke due to him under such certificates, his allowances of coal or coke may be reduced for any future period as may be necessary for such purpose. LAW INTELLIGENCE. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. KING'S BENCH DIVISION.—July 2. Before Mr. Justice Sankey. Mineral Rights Duty. Commissioners of Inland Revenue v. Duke of Northum- berland.—This was an anneal by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue against an assessment of the late Duke of Northumberland in regard to mineral rights for the Thrncklev Coal Company, which owned pits near New- castle-on-Tvne. Mr. Sheldon (for the Crown) said the point was as to whether anv reduction could he made in arriving at the figures which constituted profits. The anneal from the Referee was made under the Finance Act (No. 2), 1915. which excused or imnosed the dntv, and was in the asnect of rent varving in nrices. Under a lease the Duke demised to the collierv the mines, seams, etc., for 42 years under rentals, and the tonn^e rentals were to be according to the selling nrices. The assessment wag arrived at on the basis of the figures annearing in the returns, and the comnutation of liability to excess mineral rights duty was made on that basis. The annellants said the amount claimed w^s excessive, and that in arriving at the pre-war standard of rent the de- duction for income tax should be based on the rate of income tax current for the pre-war vear. The Referee decided that in all cases of income arising from rovalties, varving according to current market prices of minerals, where in order to arrive at excess profit figures the ton- nage of the accounting year was annlied to the price of the nre-war average vear, the actual income tax ner pound paid in resnect of the nre-war vear was pronerlv to be deducted from the amount arrived at for the nre-war vear, and that the actual income fax paid in rpeneof of the accounting vear was a proper factor to he annb’pd to arrive at the figure of the excess income. It was further found bv the Rpforee that the amount unon which the excess mineral rights dntv charges against the annpllants were fixed must he, arrived at after deduction for income +ax in the respective years according to the rates of tax then in operation. It was from this decision the Crown now appealed. The appeal was dismissed. DURHAM ASSIZES. CIVIL COURT.—July 1. Before Mr. Justice Shearman. Claim for Indemnity. Bolckow, Vaughan and Company v. North Eastern Railway Company.—Plaintiffs, colliery owners, stated that in November a man named Ince was killed by an engine at Leasingthorne Colliery, and they had properly paid to the dependants of Ince <£300. The question was whether the North Eastern Railway Company, who owned the engine, were responsible for the death of Ince. At Leasingthorne Colliery, owned by the plaintiffs, there was a branch line connecting the colliery with the railway, and trucks were brought by the North Eastern Railway to the colliery. Ince was engaged in a siding dealing with ballast, when the defendants’ engine, approaching with some trucks, knocked him down, taking off his leg. He died shortly afterwards. Defendants denied negligence, and said it was a pure accident, and that the deceased was guilty of contributory negligence through failing to keep a look-out for the approaching engine, and to get out of its way, and also failing to indicate his presence on the line. Judgment was entered for the plaintiffs for £300 and costs, the amount paid by the plaintiffs to the dependants of Ince. Mr. James Howard Walker, M.I.M.E., F.S.I., senior partner of Messrs. Kellett, Ellis, Walker and Rogers, mining engineers, Wigan, left estate valued at <£22,368, with net personalty £22,280,