CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXVI. ( The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the t Coal and Iron Trades, January 10, 1919. __________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ __________________ _____________ page Sanitary Precautions at the J b aria Coal Fields .............................................. 122 Schools, Coal for....................713, 813 School of Mining, Birmingham ...... 184 Scrap Order, Iron and Steel............ 444 Sheffield, The University of ............ 71 Shipment Charges, New ................ 78 Shipments to Ireland ........................ 350 Shortage and Army Stocks, Coal________1360 Shortage, The Coal ....................1252 Siberian Coal Mining ..................1308....... South African Coal Output, Influenza and 864 South African Coal Output .........562, 914 South African Iron Industry.......... 75 South Wales and Monmouthshire School of Mines........................... 84 Spain’s Coal Crisis..................... 286 Spanish Coal Fields, Development of ... 864 Spanish Coal Miners’ Dispute .......... 80 Spitsbergen Iron and Coal ...720, 868, 1148,1366 ... Spitsbergen, Mineraisin................1306 Stanton Ironworks Company Limited ...1308 Steam, High Pressure..................1148 Steel, Procedure for Obtaining.......... 185 Steam Coal, Economy in the Use of ..... 495 Subsidence and Flooding, Action Con- cerning ........................... 175 Sulphuric Acid, Prices of ..........928, 1025 Sumatra, Coal in ..............................1354 Surfacemen’s Hours....................1081 Surveyors, Qualifications of............ 292 Switzerland, Prohibited Exports to _____ 219 PAGE Disaster, Vancouver Island Pit Cage..... 865 Discharged Soldiers as Works Chemists ... 397 Distillation, Commercial Aspects of Coal .. 668 Dredgers, Coal for....................... 140 Dross in Household Fuel ...............1361 Dublin Coal Shortage .................. 754 Dutch Coal Agreement ................ 240 Dutch Fuel Possibilities................ 977 Economy Campaign, Coal ............... 352 Economy, Coal Controller Still Urges ___1135 Economy, < on tinned Coal and Light....’..1024 Economy Exhibition, Coal............... 872 Education Grant to Wigan Mining College 134 Eight Hours Day in the Iron Trade ........ 1251 Electrical Heating, A Criticism of.......1083 Electricity from Waste Steam at Collieries 1301 Emergency Coal in London............... 873 Empire Oil Resources ................... 397 Engineering Work, New..........................1202 Engineers’ Ballot, Result of, etc..........1357 Enginemen’s Wages, Colliery ........... 127 Entombed Miners, The ................. 192 Examinations, Mine Managers’ ......... 404 Examinations for Mine Managers’ Certifi- cates................................ 508 Excess Profits, Miners, Coal Owners, etc... 653 Explosive, Ammonite No. 5 as a Permitted 294 Explosives Combine.....................1202 Export Scheme ............__......................... 610 Federation of Coal Merchants, Proposed... 451 Ferry and Irish Development, Cross- Channel ............................ 348 Forestry Development...................1085 France, British Metal Exports to ....... 664 French Coal Fields, The................. 930 French Coal Mines, The Damaged ...1135,1198 Fuel Economy ......................... 763 Fuel for Canada ... ................ ... 560 Fuel Inspectors, New ................... 930 Fuel Rationing ......................... 560 Fuel Ration, Graded..................... 81 Puels^of War, The....................... 984 Fuel, Wood...........................................50c, 6B Fuel Wood Order, The................... 706 Ganister Mining Regulations ___________1032 Geological Survey of Great Britain....... 350 German Coal Fields and Indemnity .....1354 German Coal Prices ................_____1148 German Coal for Sweden............. 713 Gibraltar, Export Duty on Coal from ... 755 Gratis, Conversion of Wasteful ......... 404 Greek Commercial Delegates in England... 562 ....... Greek Lignite ..........................1024 Haig’s Appreciation of Miners, Sir Douglas 1199 Hewlett, The Late Mr. Alfred ........... 758 Holland, American Coal for .............1351 Holland, Coal for ......................1077 House Coal Prices ...:.................... 658 Household Coal ...................... 651 Household Fuel, Prosecutions Order.....1202 Humber Coal, Exporters and Shippers’ ..... Association .......................,.103fl- imperial College of Science and Technology 871 Industrial Chemists, Training of......... 706 Industrial Conferences..................1025 PAGE ! Industrial Council’s Scheme............ 458 i Industrial Reconstruction Council, The ... 662 1 Industrial Users of Coal, Classifying..... 348 j Inland Revenue Report ................ 928 Inspection in 1917, Coal Mines.......... 720 Ireland, Coal Shortage in .............. 295 Ireland, Mineral Transport Facilities ... 706 Irish Coal Mines.....................876, 1076 Irish Lignite Supply to be Utilised ..... 503 Irish Miners, Output of ................ 924 Irish Mining Work..................... 548 Iron and Steel Exchange for London, An... 1081 Iron and Steel, Further Release of.......1080 Iron and Steel Institute _______________ 601 Iron and Steel Trade < ampaign ......... 557 Iron and Steel Trades Organisation .... 770 Iron and Steel Wire and Wire Ropes ...1134 Ironstone Area Tank Week ............ 394 Italian Brown Coal Industry............ 809 Italian Coal Supply ................... 914 Italian Gas Works and. Coal Shortage ... 501 Italy, Irregular Supply of Coal to ....... 707 Italy’s Coal Shortage .................. 397 Italy’s Coal Supplies................... 70 Italy to Localise Coal Distillation ....... 664 Japanese Coal and Coke Question ....... 558 “Key” Industries, Exhibition of ...662, 713 Lamp Glass Order, Safety.............. 969 Lanarkshire Coal Disaster, The ......... 132 Lantern Slides for Lectures............ 610 Lens Coal F eld ....................... 757 : Lens Mines, Damage to ................ 860 , Light for Hotels and Big Shops, Less ... 915 Lighting Economy still Necessary .......1<‘78 ... ; Lignite, Electricity from................ 20 i Lignite, Irish ___.................... 239 Liverpool Coalheavers and Committee’s ....... ... Award............................ 660 Local Authorities, Conference of ....... 182 Local Authorities urged to Economise... 506 Local Committees with Requisitioning Power............................ 496 London Iron and Steel Exchange .......1196 London-Provincial Supplies............ 458 London’s Coal Supply ................. 292 Lord Rhondda’s Will ......................... 132 Machinery for France, American Mining... 1314 Malaga, Coal in ....................... 496 Manchester Association of Engineers...755, 818 Manchester Coal Merchants’ Association, Annual Meeting of.................. 230 ....... Mersey Coal Workers .................. 452 Midland Counties Institution of Engineers 551 Midland Iron Production ____............. 283 Military Service, Release of Miners from 1024 Mineral Resources of Great Britain ..... 660 Miners’ Demand for Higher P*y......... 980 Miners’ Deputation to Coal Controller... 300 Miners Entombed by Liquid Moss....... 75 Miners’ Federation and Coal Control ... 564 Miners from the Army.................. 602 Miners from the Forces, Releasing __...1076 Miners’ Permanent Officials............ 179 Miners who Prefer Army Life.......... 448 Miners Returned from the Army, 75,000... 1308 29« 608 874 1352 820 PAGE j Miners and Sir A. Stanley.............. 703 Miner Soldiers, Release of..............1088 Miners’ War Wage .................... 179 Ministers’ Appeal to Lancashire Miners ... 815 Minnie Pit Disaster.................... 398 Mons Coal Mines ......................1251 Monthly Coal Output .................. 564 Nationalisation of French Mines ______.1298 New Cok^ Ovens for Messrs. Newton, Chambers and Co. Limited___________ New Method of Testing Recruits ....... New -south Wales, Coke in.............. New Zealand’s Brown Coal.............. New Zealand Coal Output.............. Non-Detonating Explosives, Order Regard- ..... ing ........................661, 718, 766 Non-Ferrous Metal Industry ........... 653 North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders .................. 815 Northern Colliery Officials’ Mutual Aid Association ... __________________1307 Northumberland Miners’ Decision....... 293 I Offence Under the Coal Distribution Order 133 Official Economy .......................... 610 | Officials, Miners’ Permanent...............1200 ; Oil from Alum Schist ......................1092 : Oil in Derbyshire, Boring for .......... 652 i Oil from Shale in Sweden ..............1189 Output Prospects, Mr. C. Markham on ... 246 Patents in Enemy Countries............. 127 Patents in 1917 ........................ 239 Peat, Coal from ........................ 616 ....... Peat for Fuel .......................... 87 Phthisis in Ganister Mines............... 874 Pitwood and Other Mining Timber ..... 451 Pooling of Coal Supplies___.............. 450 Potash Industry, British ...............390 Power Production, Economy in ......... 824 President and Secretary, Miners’ ....... 655 Prosecution Regarding C< >al Prices ..... 283 Prices in. Staffordshire and Worcester- shire, Pits’ Mouth.................. 440 Prime Minister and Importance of Saving ' Coal................................ 394 Proposed Coal Merchants’ Federation ... 557 Pulverised Coal Systems in America ... 878 Queensland Mines in 1917..............1353 Railway Equipment and Standardisation 1024 Railways and the Coal Shortage......... 564 Railways, Economies on the............. 456 ..... Railway Strike, The.................... 668 Rationing System, The.................. 652 Rationing in the United States, Coal...84,398 Reconstruction Council, Inland ........ 316 Redbourne Hill Iron and Coal Co. Limited Progress of........................1143 Register, Small Consumers to .......... 815 Release of Miners.....................1215 Release of Miners to be 5,000 per day ...1189 Rescue Work, Army Gas Masks and..... 293 Returns. Consumers and Weekly .. ..... 876 Roma Gas Bore, Queensland............ 707 Rumanian Lignite Mining, German Capital in _______________________________ 495 Safety Lamps Approved, “ Fuller ” ..... 286 Timber, Huge Demand for..............1310 Tools, Release of Machine..............1187 Trades Union Bureau, An International... 84 Transport Internal .................. ... 295 Transport Reform_______...................... 714 Transport, Road and Can-il ............. 294 Tube Trade Conference ................1361 U.S. Coal Output in 1917________________ 979 University of Birmingham School of Mining _____........................... 132 Venezuela, Coal Production in........... 822 Victorian State Mining ................1366 Wages Advance, Miners’ .............. 32 Wages, Colliery Workers’ .........;_____ 90 Wage Settlement, Miners’ War .................. 716 Wages in Ironstone Mining ............. 924 Wages in the Iron Trade .............. 757 Wages Nearly Doubled in the Iron and Steel Trade __...................... 233 Wages in Scottish Iron Trade........... 238 Wagon Order, Railway ................1031 Wagons, High Capacity, Advocated..... 702 Wastage, To Prevent Coal.............. 664 Waste of Coal, Preventable............ 984 Welsh Fuel Controller ................ 127 Whitley Councils and ’Trade Unions..... 556 Wigan Mining College, Scholarships at the 20 Wigan Mining and Technical college... 551, 706 Workmen’s Compensation.............. 928 Yorkshire Coal Strike Ended ........... 396 Yorkshire Miners’ Association...... 550 Yorkshire Pits, Threatened Stoppage of ... 292 _______________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed and Published by the Proprietors The Colliery Guardian Company Limited 30&31 Furnival Street Holborn London E.C. 4. Friday January 10 1919