June 21, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1261 1837 1918 ALL things Electrical in a mine should, beyond L question, be of the utmost reliability. So much depends upon them. No Mine Manager or Mining Electrical Engineer can afford to take risks. Cheapness is not Economy. See to it that only Electric Cables manufactured by a Company of experience and repute are installed in your mine. Henley’s have been manufacturing Electric Cables from the beginning of Electric Cables and have con- centrated all their vast resources upon them. You cannot get Electric Cables of greater reli- ability than Henley Cables. May we quote you next time ? W. T. HENLEY’S TELEGRAPH WORKS CO., Ltd., Works : NORTH WOOLWICH and GRAVESEND. BLOMFIELD STREET, LONDON WALL, E.C.2. Telephones : 4560 LONDON WALL (7 lines). Telegrams: “HENLETEL, AVE. LONDON” and “HENLETEL,” all Home Branches. Branches in Colliery Districts : 59/61, Waterloo Street, Glasgow. 15, South Saint David Street, Edinburgh. Pandon Buildings, Manors, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 247/9, Deansgate, Manchester. 91, Whitechapel, Liverpool. Broad Street Chambers, Birmingham. 95, Albion Street, Leeds. 56, Victoria Street, Bristol. 20, West Bute Street, Cardiff.