1238 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 21, 1918. D O I: PRICES AND STOCK LISTS FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. i 7 0 0 A.W. HIGH SPEED STEEL MILLING CUTTERS RPnACUFQ GAUGES - SCREWING TACKLE - DRILLS 15 KU AL M Eo / CUTTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. HOBS, &c BrvfjSW °__________________________ iSKWG.WlSTI»NGWfflTWORl’HoG MANCHESTER.. OPEN5HAW, TELEGRAMS? WHITWORTH,OPENSHAW. trade o MARK . TELEPHONE:-6480, CENTRAL(s1X LINES) SELF=LUBRICATING STEAM ENGINES Simple, Compound & Triple Expansion Types FOR COLLIERIES, MINES, VENTILATING FANS, PUMPS, & ALL POWER & LIGHTING PURPOSES The Beiliss Engine, with its automatic Forced Lub- rication and Absence of Wear, is specially adapted for operating Mine Ven- tilating Fans, and can be depended upon to run con- tinuously day and night for many months without the necessity of stopping for adjustment. It is not un- usual for these engines to run for one, two or even three years without ad- justment. Beiliss Triple Expansion Engine, coupled to “Sirocco” Fan. 154 in. dia. Capacity 600,000 c.f. Air per min. Speed 170/200 r.p.tn. Non-Stop Runs of 7, 9, and 14 months have been recorded. Being vertical and self-contained, the Engines are not affected by settlement of foundation. The working parts being enclosed in a dust-proof case are not liable to be affected by the dust which is often largely in evidence at a Colliery. Write for our “ R ” Pamphlet, giving further points of ad- vantage. BELLISS & MORCOM LIMITED Telegrams : “BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” BIRMINGHAM. London Office : 8, VICTORIA STREET, S.W. 1.