June 7, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1139 Talks about “Sirocco.”—No. 6. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton iron Works, ChesterfieicL FAN Read the following points about the “Sirocco” Fan, the pioneer of the many bladed type, then write us about YOUR proposition. We will give you Sirocco experience, and also send our latest literature. No. 1. Efficiency. The “Sirocco” Fan is the acknowledged standard of Fan Efficiency. No. 2. Reliability. The thousands of Sirocco installations throughout the world testify to their reliability in un- doubted measure. It can be depended upon at all times. No. 3. Experience. The experience of the pioneers of this type of fan will save you many costly experiments. No. 4. Service. The “Sirocco” Fan is serving in a thousand and one different industries—proving its real worth every day. No. 5. Because of its high efficiency and reliability, the “Sirocco” Fan is the last word in economy, as the cost of operation and maintenance have been reduced to a minimum. Davidson & Co. Limited, Sirocco Works, Belfast. Sjaecsiali fcy ■■■■ COIL SCREENING«CONVEYING N’t? ..<• WW Y:.! . 1 I . I ■ X‘ ■. OS SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H WORK IM BRITAIN COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application MgERiFRanai - HouwrdSt. Sheffield*. Do® SpflKS-5 RE". LASEL •DELIVERIES’ ® FROM STOCK ® sag HME’sraEmirawvzMnQimnrassBsraaBSDCKxasyE'mvrm^aamarsLnjiL'innKaBW’aMi’^^ HOPKINSON SAFETY BOILER snnsBCT.¥rannQD3SimaxB3^roi!P..?.n^^ PATENT ABSOl UTE Water Gauge for Water-Tube. Lancashire and Marine Boilers, Locomotives and Steam Separators. & CO. LTD., Brtonia Works, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW - PARIS - PETROGRAD. NO. 400.__________ __ .___ ____________ _ ....Li.,.u>.m.wu,zr.--WTir.r