May 24, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE I.] 1063 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinKiiniiHt IE. W. TURNERS = English Timber Merchants, = | BLOXWICH, STAFFS. f = Every kind of sawn & round English. Timber, = = Oak Waggon Scantling, Tram Boards, circular = = and straight Pine Sheeting, Deals, &c. = H TCI CphoneT 13 BLOXWICH. _= 1 ELLgramsj “TIMBER, BLOXWICH.” = ......IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfn JOHN STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. Wire Weavers Is Metal Workers. Established over 100 Years. —-------- EVERY REQUISITE. ------------------- GAUZES in Silk and Wire. GHUSHES in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every knows make of Brush Machine. PEDFOfiA TED PL A TES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Copper. GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—** Gauze, Manchester.” Telephone—City .3306 British Manufacture. Best Quality at Lowest Prices. Every description either separate or in cases. SPKCIAL 12 in. CARDBOARD PROTRACTOR, reading to i®, at 3®., postage yacking lx. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. WU MARI Mathematical Drawing and Surveying ■ Hi rgMsifaiBbm:instrument Manufacturer, 47, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. 2 Established 1851. Factory—UPPER CLAPTON, N.E. Sole. Makers- THE WESTOOL ELECTRIC DRILL, for Wood, Iron and Steel. Standard sizes. Capacity in Steel. No. 1 t®; in. No. 2 | in. ifiasafifiMuJL N°. li in. Write for descriptive Leaflet. Entirely British made. THE WESTMINSTER TOOL & ELECTRIC CO. Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, Cannon St., London, E.C. 4. Telegrams—“ Westolelco-Cannon, London. Structural Steelwork Steel Framed Buildings, Roof Principals. BRIDGES, GANTRYS, RUNWAYS, BUNKERS, HOPPERS, PIT HEAD FRAMING. Hill & Smith Ltd. Brierley Hill, Staffs. As Willcox's Oils y’lCOLLlERY^X. Super-Qualities for ( ENG™EEJ5JL0RES all Colliery Lighting \ Illustrated Lists and Power Plants, will be gladly sent upon ^^faj-eceipt of application. ~ W. FI. WILLCOX & CO. LTD., 32 to 38, Southwark Street, London, OILS Semet-Solvay Coke Ovens SECTION OF OVEN SHOWING SOLID CONSTRUCTION. Strongest in Design. Separate sets of flues to each oven. Very low Maintenance Cost. mmiiiin in i—iiiiiiiw i m ..iiimiiru if inn—— With “DIRECT” AMMONIA RECOVERY PLANT, Complete Benzol and Toluol Plant and Tar Distillation Plant. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. L! Howard Chambers, 155, Norfolk Street, SHEFFIELD.