992 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 17, 1918. Works area over 200 acres. Workmen employed over 15,000. HADFIELDS Ltd. Hecla and East Hecla Works, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. London Office : Norfolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. 4. Colliery Requisites of every description. Tub Wheels and Axles, Barrow Wheels, Edge Wheels, Cage Guides, Haulage Rollers and Frames, Draw Bars, Elevator and Conveyor Links, Picks, Shovels, &c. Steel Castings and Forgings. SOLE MAKERS of HADFIELD’S PATENT ERA Manganese Steel The Supreme Material for Railway and Tramway Special Track-work; also wearing parts of Stone Breaking, Ore Crushing and other Machinery. ■ 'J .v J «£> if . SwIS HADFIELD’S DUST-PROOF COLLIERY TUB. The wheels are fitted on the axles by Hadfield’s Special Loek-fast method, which gives absolute security. COMPLETE STONE BREAKING and ORE CRUSHING PLANTS. --:O;- Hadfield’s Special “Coal-Cut” Steel for Coal Cutter Bits is Unsurpassed for Durability. --:O:- HIGH-SPEED and other TOOL STEELS of the Finest Quality. --:O:- COMPLETE TRAMWAY LAY-OUTS WITH POINTS : : AND CROSSINGS. : : LATCH & BATCHELOR Ltd. AMALGAMATED WITH WEBSTER & HORSFALL. (EstEtTblisLiecl 1730). RPENCER & qO. LD Engineers, > Melksham WILTS Wire Drawers, Manufacturers of all classes of Wire Ropes. LOCKED COIL AND FLATTENED STRAND WIRE ROPES INVENTORS, PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF HAULING F.S. WINDING. F.S. NON-TWISTING. LOCKED COIL WINDING. PATENT FLATTENED STRAND LOCKED COIL WINDING. LOCKED COIL AERIAL. 13b 15a 20 LOCKED COIL GUIDE. 20a Works: HAY MILLS, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone (2 Lines): 338, 339 VICTORIA, BIRMINGHAM. Telegraphic Address : LA TCH, HA Y MILLS. BRANCH OFFICES, HULL— X Burnett Avenue. •?/ CARDIFF-1 f 92, Claude Road. ' LONDON— 32, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL- 34, Castle Street. W>rite to the Manufacturers for “How’s the Welding Plant working?” “Fine. The Carbic Cake is a big improvement on the old method. Genera- tion goes on evenly at a low temperature — that means more constant pressure and purer gas. There’s no wastage as with ordinary carbide, the generation of gas only taking place while water is in actual contact with the Carbic Cake.” “Short-handed as we are, the simplicity and easy handling of the Car- bic System is a great advantage. ” farbiclM SPECIALISTS IN ACETYLENE details of their Carbic Portable Welding and Cutting Plants. 51 HOLBORNVIADUCT-LONDONE-C- 1 Thp Avery Automatic Coal Weigher in- stalled in your plant means greater han Weighs the.coal fed £ or del.ve, elevators, handle y g > particulars. 'ailways, tephers, BIRMINGHAM. W. & T. AVERY LTD., Soho Foundry DUX1» _____________ WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agents for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS. W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.