May 10, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 939 Talks about “Sirocco.”—No. 4. Service. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Good Service is always desirable -—no matter the proposition. The FAN Special ity— COAL SCREENING . CONVEYING The “Sirocco” Dust Fan is designed to remove dust of every description. Noriskof choking, and suitable for use with extensive ductwork. is giving service — trustworthy service—in a thousand and one different spheres of commerce. The service of this Fan is un- doubted. It is thoroughly to be depended upon even under the severest working operations. It will prove its worth and economy to you, too. Write for Sirocco Literature, stating particulars of your propositions. We will advise you freely on any point whatever pertaining to fans. SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. No. 5 will be on ECONOMY. Davidson & Co. Limited, Sirocco Works, Belfast. Branch Offices— London : Egypt House, New Broad Street. Manchester : 54, Corporation Street. Glasgow : 53, Bothwell Street. Birmingham : Exchange Buildings, New Street. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS NOW AT WORK IN CREAt BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application IT -DELIVERIES- ® FROM STOCK a HOPKINSON VALVES Mot&bbs Bos 8PUGSS3 “union” brand RED LABEL. q o Q ® ® © © a Q ~||l III Albert Frosts _ Houmrd St. Sheffield. FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. FIGURE 8500. SUPERO’’ L THE SUPERO VALVE STEEL BODY & LID. VALVE AND SEAT OF PLATNAM METAL. SIZES : 1 n 3" 1 " I J." 11 " 2 ’ 4 9 X ’ 1 4 9 X<2 J. HOPKINSON & CO., LTD., BRITANNIA WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD, LONDON - GLASGOW - PARIS - PETROGRAD. No. 4-00.