May 10, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 927 DU CROO & BRAUNS LTD CAN SUPPLY FROM STOCK Track IPWAGONS GAUGE 24 in. URNTABLES HEAVY DUTY FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS. FOR HAULAGES AND WINDERS. Ask for LIST No. 7. 2 5 52 Victoria 53, Victoria Street, “ Ducrobra, Vic, London.” LONDON, S.W. 1. THE POWER PLANT Co. Ltd., WEST DRAYTON, MIDDLESEX. Telegrams—“ Roc, West Drayton.” Telephone—22 Yiewsley. WILLIAM COOKE & Co. Ltd. BSTABLISHED 1866. TRADE MARK. Tinsley Steel, Iron and Wire Rope Works, SHEFFIELD, Contractors to H.M. Government and English and Foreign Railways. London Office: 26, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. Australian Office: 109, Pitt Street, Sydney. MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES. GOLD MEDALS. Sydney, 1879. Mining, London, 189G. Melbourne, 1880. Naval, London, 1891, PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900, GOED MEDAL. Lang’s Lay and other principles for Mining, Shipping, Cranes, &c., &c. Forged Hauling Rope Sockets or Capels. Guide Rods, Galvanised Strand and Signal Wire. Special Wire Rods for Rope, Spring, Card Wire, &c. Best Yorkshire Iron for Engineering and Colliery purposes. Bessemer Steel Bars and Rods. Channel Steels for Rubber Tyres. Horse and Pit Pony Shoes. Codes.LIEBER'S g A.B.C.Eth.EdJ Telegrams: AMAKt DETONATOR. LTD BROOK. Manufacturers of Electric Detonators and Powder Fuses, Shot Firing Cables, Exploders, ■mf all Aooaaaoriea for Elootric Shot Firing. THE ELECTRIC furirmi ■ LYDBROOK ES GLOS. COANl CASTS " CLEAN CRANK i CASES J AL»rS New parts cast in, not welded. R. W. COAN , The Aluminium Foundry, 219, Goswell Rd. London, E.C. 1. CONTRACTOR TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. Telephones— Telegrams— 4879 Central. 3846 City. “ Krankases, Isling.” Ferodo Friction Surfaces. The success of Ferodo fabric has demonstrated how great the need was for it. It is now used in every branch of engineering —wherever brakes and clutches are to be found. It is the most trustworthy lining made, stringent tests proving the quality of each weaving before it leaves our works. If you are interested in increasing the margin of safety on your winders or obtaining a larger output from your plant—let us give you exact data which will enable you to employ Ferodo fabric to the greatest advantage. Our unique experience, extending over 20 years, is entirely at your service. IHBBBEEI FRICTION SURFACES. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London General Omnibus Company, and Underground Electric Railways of London and Paris. List H from THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., Work.-CHAPEL.EN-LE-FR.ITH. Depots at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle. Agents for India: THE ASBESTOS & BELTING CO.. Ct 3 & 4, Waterloo Street, CALCUTTA.<¥ OF ALL TYPES. “THOMPSON” BOILERS DISH END TYPE. Possess important constructional advantages over the old Flat End design. WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng NON-CONDUCTING COVERINGS ^Plastic. SECTIONAL & PLASTIC BOILER COVERING CO., Succrs. to Toope’s Asbestos Covering Co. Ltd 90, St. Paul’s Road, Bow, LONDON. E- 3 Contractors to H.M. Office of Works, Send for Prices. Catalogues, and Samples. Patent Removable Sectional Coverings. Asbestos & Slag Wool Mattresses, Asbestos Composition. Colliery Shaft Sectional Covering our Speciality. HIGH-PRESSURE Steam Boilers For any working pressure. J. s J. HORSFIELD U, DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE