762 [supplement PAGE II.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 12, 1918. The CONSUMMATE EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER for Steam Engines Saving in coal effected—60 tons per week. CENTRAL CONDENSING PLANT dealing with the exhaust steam from Winding Engines, Fan Engine, 600 K.W. Power Plant, and Screen Engine. Coal Consumption reduced 30 Z - Water Consumption reduced SO ? - Increased Power Output 30 % Estlmai::‘an’^c^BooKiet. EDW9 DEANE & BEAL Ltd., Engineers, 676, Old Kent Bd., London, S.E. 15 I THE BRITISH ROPEWAY w.. ‘,2» 7> mincing lane, DISPOSAL OF PIT REFUSE. Are you short of Men ? Are you short of Wagons ? AN AERIAL ROPEWAY Will overcome these difficulties. Send us your enquiries. ENGINEERING Co. Ltd., LONDON, E.C. 3. WIRE ROPES & H. WIRES, jx ESTABLISHED 1864. MARK. MARK. CONTRACTORS TO HAULING. WINDING. WINDING ROPES HAULING ROPES Specialities SIGNAL WIRES The Admiralty, War Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Post Office, India Office, Trinity House, and various Foreign and Colonial Governments. THE Telegrams—“ WHITECROSS, WARRINGTON.” Telephone—Nos. 9, 10 & 11, WARRINGTON. NEVER PASS. PATENTED PUMP BUCKETS - if - your water end of pump gives you trouble, Write us for List B. PUMP BUCKETS pressure Flexible "rings The Rings are Flexible, they Expand Automatically to Pressure, are Always Tight, are not Split, do not cause Uneven Wear, Reducing Friction to a Minimum. WHITECROSS CO. LTD., WARRINGTON. Agents for N. & S. Midlands—BIRAM & CO., 29, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1. SOLE PROPRIETORS: D6XIN6” Ltd., Stratford, London, E. 15 Telegrams: “ Dexine, Stratford, London.' Telephone: 365 Stratford.