March 28, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 657 __________________ A Business Call through your heart to your purse Suffering from Shell-Shock, scarred, and maimed by shrapnel —sick with the sights of the battlefield, exhibiting a patient courage which makes men wonder-the Horses at the Front make dumb appeal to us for relief. Last year 90 per cent, of the 580,000 Horses brought for treatment to the British Veterinary Hospitals were cured. As a horse costs anything from £50 to £60, this means practically a saving of £24,750,000 in one year. Since the outbreak of war we have spent £ 1 50,000, for which amount we can show you the splendid return above, in addition to all the work of previous years. The R.S.P.C. A. Fund for Sick and Wounded Horses needs £50,000 at once, and asks you to contribute what you can reasonably spare. As the Front changes, so new needs arise ; and, with the extension of our British lines the need for further Veterinary Hospitals and supplies increases. is the only Fund authorised to assist the Army asking your assistance, or renewed assistance, we would The R.S.P.C.A. Fund Veterinary Corps. In “ From the Front for a hard • earned rest and treatment — two tv-frical specimens sadly in need of our care." I remind you that behind this direct appeal for the horses themselves lies the irresistible appeal for our men, since the men so often depend for their munitions, food, lives, on the horses. The cost of this advertisement is generously borne by a group of well- known sportsmen and horse-lovers. Restored to the Army, after treatment and rest in an A.V.C. Hospital . built by the R.S.P.C.A. r * I ■■ vWII.Vv CONTRIBUTION FORM. If you cannot send us much, -please send a little. Cut out this form, fill it in. ana return as promptly as possible to the Hon. Secretary, R.S P.C.A., Dept. A.1V. 13, 105, Jermyn St., S W. 1. I herewith enclose £ , which is to be used exclusively for the British Sick and Wounded Horses at the Front. Name_________________—____________________________________________-—-■_______________________ Address,__________________________________________________ _______________ P.C.B.—A.W.13. Date ______________________________