610 [supplement PAGE IV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 22, 1918. W 0 ♦ 9 * / YORKSHIRE ENGINE C° L" Contractors to the Admiralty, War Office, India Office, etc., & Colonial & Foreign Governments & Railways. HEAD OFFICE & WORKS : SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. London Office : 34, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. 1. BUILDERS OF STEAM, ELECTRIC & COMPRESSED AIR LOCOMOTIVES for any Gauge—of any Weight. Telegraphic AddressENGINE, SHEFFIELD. COAL CUTTING MACHINES & HAULAGE ENGINES OF ALL TYFES, FORGINGS IN IRON and STEEL-G.M. and PHOSPHOR BRONZE CASTINGS. MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. --SIZES----- TO CARRY 3 and 5 TONS. With or Without Tipping Bodies. A .! a ■ u r I MANN’S STEAM CART & WAGON Co. Ltd., Hunslet, LEEDS. London Office : 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. ................min Engineering Requisites ILLUSTRATED LISTS WILL BE GLADLY SENT UPON RECEIPT OF APPLICATION. W. H. WILLCOX & Co. Ld 32-38, Southwark Street, LONDON, S.E. 1. liiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigj Requisites for the Colliery Engineer. Write, ’phone, wire, or call . personally. c e Beltings, Packings, Steam Fittings, Boiler Mountings, mps, Hose, Drainers, Tools,—in fact, all kinds of ALFRED ALLEN & SON IME Slice s?s or LTD. COLLIERY AIR PIPES SQF and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—2106 Dudley, Stop Taking Risks! Highest Efficiency, Longest Service obtained by using only “CHEKKO” BRAKE & CLUTCH LINERS. CRESSWELLS’ LD., Wellington Works, Bradford. WIRE SCREENS ALL ALEX. COUSLflND &S0N, 3, MITCHELL ST, GLASGOW. KINDS OF ! WIRE I SCREENS A CHEAP YET MOST EFFICIENT INSULATOR AGAINST HEAT RADIATION IX F M M 9 SPECIALLY | I I 11 COMPOUNDED “KISOL” (REGISTERED) CEMENT Sample I cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any address for 10s. 6d. ASK FOR “HINTS’* ON COVERING STEAM PIPES, BOILERS, &c. . . --Post Free on Application. - HIGHEST QUALITY No. 64. Guide Rope. No. 59. Winding Rope. Telephone Central 6914 (3 lines). Telegrams : “ Universe, Birmingham.” In Flattened Strand, Locked Coil and other Special Constructions, for Mining and Engineering Purposes. Universe Wire Rope Works. BIRMINGHAM : Rope