March 15, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 531 YOU WILL FORGET PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. ABOUT THIS MARK FAN AFTER INSTALLING IT BECAUSE It is so reliable and requires so little atten- tion ; because there are no repair bills ; because it performs its duty efficiently all the time ; because we supply you with the RIGHT Fan for your purpose, a Fan that is well designed and strongly constructed, and in every way suitable for its particular work. Send us your enquiries. Our experience is at your service. Speciality- COAL SCREENING s CONVEYING 'iX ’VSi-tu’.' .'A ■■ z SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. Davidson & Co., Ltd., SIROCCO Works - BELFAST. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS h WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application F J Miners’ Electric Lamps APPROVED BY H.M. HOME OFFICE. “JOEL-FORS” Patent HOPKINSON R.D.S. STEAM TRAP SALE OR HIRE. TYPE 403 M.S FOR ALL PRESSURES. ARRANGE TRIALS. LIGHT.—li Candle Power for 12 Hours. WEIGHT.-41 lb. CELLS UNSPILLABLE AND INTERCHANGEABLE. JOHN MILLS & SONS NE WCASTLE-ON- TYNE. “MILLS, NEWCASTLE.” Established 1828, ; - L Cast Iron or Cast Steel Body. Hopkinson Platnam Valve and Seat. Figure No. 9034. J. BRITANNIA & CO., LTD., WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW - PARIS - PETROGRAD. No. 400.___________________________________