March 8, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 475 HUWOD PNEUMATIC PICK AXE. Small Cost. Weight only IS lbs. The Huwod Pneumatic Pick Axe is NOT a Hammer Drill. Can he used for Taking Down Canches where Shots cannot be Fired. Making Manhoies. Squaring Off Corners. Making Girder Holes. Breaking Concrete, Clinker and similar Hard Substances. Boiler Scaling, and many other purposes. Free Demonstration given by HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD., Depl.. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Telegrams: “HUWOD, NEWCASTLE,” Telephone: 980 CENTRAL. LONDON: 65, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3. CARDIFF: 102, St. Mary Street. MANCHESTER: Hive Works, Trafford Park. THE butterley COMPANY Ld. PIT TRAM AND WAGON WORKS : ______ Telephone: No. 67, 68, & 69, Ripley. Codnor Park, ALFRETON. Telegrams : “ Smedley, Ironville.” F- PIT TRAMS in WOOD or STEEL <' & ■ ■ K9 £ * a OPEN. CLOSED. COLLIERY OWNERS and MANAGERS are invited to send for particulars of The BUTTERLEY PATENT ADJUSTABLE END. A novel idea in pit trams. Designed to comply with the Coal Mines Act, 1911, and to facilitate loading. Can be Readily Fixed to Existing Trams. Girders Hydraulically Cold Straightened.